Associating cranberry juice and cellulite is definitely something that is unheard of. Why? We often link cranberry with urinary tract infection (UTI). Its properties keep the bacteria from developing in the bladder in as fast as 8 hours of consumption, which is why cranberry juice is popular when it comes to UTI.
Based on studies, cranberries contain compounds that do not get wiped out by the stomach’s good bacteria. These compounds can get into the urinary tract to prevent bacteria from sticking to your system.
This fact alone is already impressive. But did you know that cranberry juice provides another benefit? There are claims that this red fruit has the ability to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Interesting, right?
In this post, we will talk about cranberry juice and cellulite removal being one of its special “powers”. We will enumerate the benefits that we can reap from drinking this magical fruit, and how it can remove cellulite. As a bonus, we will also share a few cranberry recipes that you can consume to complement your cranberry juice consumption.
Are you ready to get started?
What About Cranberry Juice?
Cranberry juice is derived from, obviously, cranberries. These berries grow in marshy areas. When they are ripe and ready to be harvested, they just float in the water. When they are on top of the water, they receive more sun exposure, which makes them more nutritious.
You can reap their full benefits and nutrition when you eat them whole. However, cranberry juice is still crammed with perks. This vibrant red berries are famous for providing antioxidants to whoever consumes them. Furthermore, they can prevent and cure urinary tract infections… and, drum roll please, cellulite. Yes, cranberry juice and cellulite remover is quite synonymous.
Do you think this sounds too good to be true or impossible? We mean people think
“They are just berries.”
“They look good with ham and turkey.”
Having said so, these berries are not given the recognition that they deserve. They are neglected all throughout the year and are even unappreciated. But did you know that they are packed with health benefits?
What Can You Get from Cranberries?
Let me break it down to you:
- These berries have antioxidants. These help the body fight illnesses and delay the process of aging.
- They have polyphenols, too. This is an intensely strong antioxidant that is popular in decreasing the risk of getting heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Wow!
- Vitamin C is available from them. This vitamin is known to strengthen the immune system.
- Want to know what keeps helps cranberry juice stop bacteria from sticking? It’s Proanthocyanidins. They are extremely effective in UTI and cavities.
- Like the red wine, cranberries have Resveratrol. This compound can lower blood pressure, slow down cognitive decline, and may inhibit cancer cells.
- Cranberries also have flavonoids that boost connective tissue and capillary walls’ health.
- It has properties that can open the liver’s detox channels.
You see, cranberries are not just cute and ornamental. They are packed with power so do not underestimate them. We are nearing the part where we can connect cranberry juice and cellulite.
How Can Cranberries Reduce Cellulite?
When fat deposits are squished to the skin, the surface forms dimpling and orange-peel like look. We all know that this is cellulite, and it is something that most of us want to get rid of. There are many factors that contribute to its appearance. One of which is unhealthy lifestyle – no exercise and poor diet.
There are many proven ways to reduce and remove cellulite. There are exercises such as yoga, cellulite pills, creams, dietary supplements, proper diet, and even mundane daily things such as ginger, tea tree oil, turmeric, aloe vera, coconut oil, and even coffee.
Believe us when we say that we have seen enough of those remedies for cellulite. We have covered almost all of them, and reviewed many products too. If you have not found your luck with any of those cellulite treatments, maybe you should give cranberry juice a try. Why so?
Why can cranberry juice and cellulite elimination be terms that are the same? How can those tiny berries get rid of cellulite? Here are the reasons:
- Cranberries, cranberry juice in extension, have natural organic acids. These acids can burn fat deposits even those that cause cellulite.
- Cranberries are natural diuretics. What this means is that it can help get rid of excess fluids from your system. This way, you avoid retaining water in your body which is only another cause of cellulite.
- As mentioned earlier, cranberries are filled with bioflavonoids and Vitamin C. These both support collagen production which is needed to have strong and healthy skin. This collagen is a protein, and cellulite will appear if you lack this.
Moreover, we can also attribute cellulite to a stagnant lymphatic system. This system, unfamiliar to most, is our secondary circulatory system beneath the skin. It is responsible for flushing out bacteria, metals, toxins, dead cells, trapped fat, among others. Simply put, this is the liver’s ally when it comes to eliminating all the toxic waste from the body.
The phytonutrients that cranberries have help in that process, which consequently reduces cellulite. However, just one glass of cranberry juice is not enough. Based on research, unsweetened cranberry juice diluted in water (four ounces of juice is to 28 ounces of water) every morning is the best course of “treatment” for cellulite.
Now, you know why cranberry juice and cellulite-buster are the same.
What Can You Do with Cranberries?
Cranberry Water
You can make your own cranberry water. How? Try the proportion already mentioned above. Better yet, mix 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice with 8 cups of water to create a pitcher of cranberry water. Consume the whole pitcher in one day or as a replacement for your water intake.
Others consume about 8 to 12 ounces of cranberries or juice a day to flush the fat away. To complement this, they eat frozen cranberries as a snack, and drink cranberry water, too.
Cranberry Sauce
If you want, you can make your own cranberry sauce. The store-bought ones are filled with white sugar or fructose corn syrup, so it is best if you make one yourself to enjoy during the holidays. Here are the ingredients and steps:
- 1 pound frozen or fresh whole cranberries
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 2 teaspoons Stevia (or 3/4 cup honey)
- Wash your cranberries and rinse in a colander.
- Take away the bad berries
- Bring water to a boil. If you are using honey instead of Stevia, add this to your sauce pan too.
- Mix in the cranberries and stir.
- Set heat to medium, but keep stirring. Let it boil.
- Remove saucepan from the heat when the sauce sticks to the sides and the cranberries have popped.
- Add in the Stevia (if you are using it instead of honey).
- Set aside to cool.
- Pour the sauce into your jars. You can have the sauce frozen or defrosted.
If you want to try other flavors, you can try swapping water with orange juice, to make orange-cranberry sauce. Don’t forget to add orange zest after the sauce cools. Those who are into a bit of spice on their palate will want to add cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice while the concoction is still brewing. Better yet, try ginger cranberry flavor (honestly, not my favorite) by putting in fresh ginger into the sauce while cooking.
Dreaming of cranberry juice and cellulite removing at the same time? You need to try out those that we have mentioned above. So what else do you need to know?
What Are the Things You Need to Remember When Taking Cranberry Juice?
- Forget about sweetened cranberry juice, or concoctions. Go for the 100% unsweetened one as these are healthier than the former. Why? The sweetened ones are pumped with lots of sugar to make them taste better, but is bad for cellulite.
- Be consistent. Doing so will modify your body’s pH, which leads to smoother skin.
- Be careful when taking cranberry juice. They may be safer compared to invasive treatments, but they may cause adverse effects, especially to those who are suffering from kidney stone problems. Cranberry juice is high in oxalates, which contribute to risk in getting kidney stones.
As always, we urge you to consult your physician before drinking or eating cranberry juice and supplements.
What Are the Side Effects of Drinking Cranberry Juice?
Cranberry juice may hinder certain medications from working. One example is that it escalates the effect of warfarin. Furthermore, cranberry juice may interact with the following drugs:
- Amoxicillin
- Ceflacor
- Cyclosporine
- Diclofenac
- Flurbiprofen
- Midazolam
- Tizanidine
Those who are taking those drugs need to talk to a health practitioner before consuming any amount of cranberry juice. Discuss about monitoring doses and effects on medications if you really want to drink the fruit juice.
So is cranberry juice and cellulite reduction the same? We can say YES. However, there are things to take note of such as the amount to consume and medications that it may stop from working. Prior to doing anything, please consult your doctor. And if you get a go signal, make sure that you take it religiously to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
If you want to take your cellulite removal to the next level, you can try Joey Atlas exercises, or the Cellinea Pills. You can click right here and here to read about our reviews about them.
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