People are always on the lookout for the best cellulite removal exercises. How did I know this? I tried to Google “cellulite exercise” and I got a few million results in less than a minute. Overwhelming and surprising, right?
There are results that provide you with a list of the best cellulite removal exercises, including (but not limited to) different kinds of lunges, bridges, squats, and more. Along with those expert advice, you also get helpful suggestions for your diet, and lifestyle changes.
But is there some semblance of truth in those factoids? Do the best cellulite removal exercises exist? Or are they merely a figment of your imagination? If they exist, do they actually work?
In this post, we will present to you the answers to those questions and more. We will tell you what you can do about cellulite, and share with you a little secret. But first, let’s talk about what cellulite is.
What Is Cellulite?
To eliminate, or at least reduce, cellulite, you must first know what you are dealing with.
Cellulite is the persistent dimpling and lumping on your skin. People have varying names for this icky manifestation. Some call it cottage-cheese skin, others refer to it as orange peel skin, while some call it the mattress phenomenon (which I hear quite rarely).
Both men and women get cellulite, but more women suffer from this because of different muscle, tissue, and fat distribution. Did you know that about 90% of women are affected by cellulite at some point?
Even fit and active women have cellulite so this only means that cellulite is not solely dependent on your weight or body type.
Aside from weight, there are other factors that result in the infamous cellulite’s appearance. There’s sedentary lifestyle, estrogen level, weakened skin, loss of collagen, hormonal imbalance, and even genetics.
Cellulite can be ranked according to its severity, and is classified according to grades. There are basically three grades:
- Grade 1: This is the mild stage. The orange-peel appearance only manifests when the sufferer is sitting down. There are no signs of cellulite when standing.
- Grade 2: In the moderate stage, the cottage-cheese appearance can be seen even when standing.
- Grade 3: You will see that your skin looks like a mattress in this severe stage. You also see depressed areas. During this time, people will look for different kinds of remedies, including cellulite removal exercises.
What NOT to Do When You Have Cellulite?
My mom frequently used to tell me to not add cheese to my food, or else it will appear on my thighs. I always roll my eyes in disbelief, so guess what? I got cellulite. I wished I had listened to my mom’s advice and not regret it.
Cellulite is indeed a pest that keeps reappearing. So, if you don’t want to aggravate your skin’s current state, you should NOT do the following:
Sit all day
If you seem to be tied to your chair all day long, you should stand up and take small breaks. Walk around if you can or try to stand up while working near your table. Practice this small change and try to add this to your routine.
Staying in the same position all day also adds to the development of cellulite. The reason is that it can affect the natural flow of blood and lessen blood supply in areas where there is a lack of movement. So, don’t stand or sit too long.
Not exercise
You need to build up muscle, especially in the lower part of the body as this is where usually cellulite appears. For this, you need the best cellulite removal exercises. This will help you burn fat, build muscle, and tone your body.
Eat unhealthy food
If you eat too much processed food, all the toxins from your food will build up. All those impurities can stay stranded in your skin and tissues. Therefore, stick to anti-inflammatory foods such as avocados, olive oil, and fresh berries. Make sure that you eat nutrient-rich foods to give you healthy, glowing skin.
You also need to avoid yo-yo dieting wherein you repeatedly lose weight by dieting and later gain it again. Why? Your skin is not designed to stretch and shrink over and over. Even your favorite yoga pants can’t withstand being washed too many times, right? They will break and will no longer pop back to its place. This will only cause more cellulite to appear.
Not drink water
Our body is made up of 60% water. Dehydration causes build-up of toxins in the fat cells, which is hard to eradicate. Dehydration also weakens the skin, thus, developing more cellulite in the long run. The best way to get rid of all those impurities is to drink plenty of fluids.
This bad habit disrupts blood flow. Consequently, this weakens the skin as collagen production is interrupted. Connective tissues get stretched out and their overall health deteriorates. Thus, more cellulite pushes up to the skin.
Eat too much salty food
This causes puffiness. When combined with an already weak skin, the puffiness causes the dimples to show through.
Get excessive sun exposure
Sun-damaged skin is not strong. In fact, too much fun under the sun degrades the skin’s quality. Again, this makes it easier for the cellulite to rear its ugly head.
Consume too much alcohol
Alcohol has nothing but empty calories, and it also cramps the skin’s blood vessels. All this lead to weight gain, making cellulite worse than it should be. Additionally, alcohol makes your body retain fluids which leads to puffiness.
What Are The Best Cellulite Removal Exercises?
Actually, there’s another looming question. Can exercise really work on cellulite? I think this is the first query we need to tackle first. The answer is a big YES.
Exercise can play a huge part in reducing cellulite because it helps you burn the fats and calories. Moreover, it naturally supports your circulatory system to maintain healthy blood flow. Furthermore, it keeps your skin firm and radiant.
The thing is that many women go for specific exercises for cellulite that focus on the legs or butt instead of looking for the best cellulite removal exercises that targets your lower body. The secret here is that the best cellulite removal exercises are science-based and can ultimately reverse the root of the problem which is muscle-fiber atrophy.
This mysterious info is revealed in the Joey Atlas Exercises. Based on their program, you need to know what cellulite is and its causes. Second, you need to learn what NOT to do to aggravate your skin’s condition.
We already covered those two in the previous sections, right? This means that you are ready to learn about their last principle – which is to know the only proven way to remove cellulite.
This third and last principle involves doing his exercises which can help you keep the cellulite at bay, or even fight it from returning. For this, we deemed his workout sessions worthy to be called the best cellulite removal exercises there are.
Why Do the Joey Atlas Cellulite Removal Exercises Work?
Imagine this. You have approximately 90 various muscles from your waist to your ankles. When you do not care these muscles and do not give them the right attention, they get squishy, dull, and sagging. This result is called muscular atrophy.
When your lower body muscles get to that point, the skin above those muscles will form a mattress-like appearance because it no longer has the support that it used to have. Now, the bumps and dimples will show up.
But with the Joey Atlas Exercises called Symulast, the muscles are toned, lifted, and plumped so the skin gets a strong support. The outer layer of the skin is pushed up to reveal a smoother and firmer skin. The cottage-cheese effect will just fade.
Joey Atlas Exercises are composed of special and slow movements that help your skin get tighter in 10 days of use. These exercises are said to work better than others because they don’t only work on the superficial level, but on the muscle fibers.
What makes them the best cellulite removal exercises for us is that they are meant for regular women like you and me, not for power builders or seasoned athletes who are used to doing difficult workout routines.
These cellulite removal exercises may be simple, but they can show significant results because of the unique combo of activities with the appropriate form, tempo, and sequence.
If you follow the exercises as seen in his videos, you will surely go a long way. There is no machinery involved nor gym memberships to pay. Everything can be executed at home. All you have to do is commit 20 minutes of exercise time 3 times a week and you are good to go.
So what are these cellulite removal exercises? You will find out more about them when you click here. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and give them a try.
Click Here to Learn More About Joey Atlas Exercises
Click Here to Read My Review of Joey Atlas Exercises
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