A lot of people know about the health benefits of green tea, but not many people know that green tea extract is very good for natural weight loss, and it’s used in many weight loss pills.
I’m going to review the best green tea pills for weight loss. But, some of the pills that I’m going to review don’t contain green tea only. Although it has been proven in many studies that green tea helps to lose weight, it’s not the only natural substance that increases metabolism and burns fat. If you take the green tea pills only, you will lose weight, but not as fast as if you mix green tea with other natural ingredients like Acai Berry, Garcinia Cambogia, Cayenne Pepper, Apple Cider Vinegar and others.
You can lose weight much faster if you take the pills with green tea and some other herbs/natural substances that are healthy and burn fat too.
So, I’m going to divide this review into 2 parts – the first part will be about the best weight loss pills on the market with green tea, but containing also some other fast fat burning natural substances, like Acai Berry, Garcinia Cambogia and others. They work great together with green tea for weight loss.
In the second part I’ll review the pills which have green in as the main ingredients. In this way, you’ll be able to decide if you want to go for the pure green tea pills, or you want to go for the best pills for weight loss which have green tea as one of the ingredients.
The Best Weight Loss Pills with Green Tea
Acai Berry 900
Acai Berry 900 main ingredients are Acai Berry, as the name suggests and green tea. We already known about the weight loss qualities of the green tea, so let’s look now at Acai Berry.
Acai Berry
The Acai berries used in this supplement come from the Amazonia. They bring many health benefits because they have more antioxidants than any other berries, like strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries or blackberries.
The health benefits of Acai Berry have not been yet scientifically proven, but they have probably very good for weight loss, appetite control, digestion, skin health, focus and memory, and heart diseases.
We are here, mostly concerned with the weight loss, and Acai 900 weight loss properties come not only from Acai Berry fruit, but also from other ingredients, including the green tea.
Acai Berry 900 Ingredients
Ingredients per 2 capsules:
· Acai Fruit (Euterpe oleraceae) 4:1 extract 700 mg
· Green Tea Leaf (Camellia sinensis) extract 40% Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) 100 mg
Other ingredients:
· Microcrystalline Cellulose
· Gelatin Capsule (gelatin and water)
· Magnesium Stearate
· Silicon Dioxide
The Main Pros of Acai Berry 900
· Burns fat.
· Very efficient for weight loss.
· Prevents yo-yo effect after weight loss.
· Reduces toxins in the body.
· No side effects.
· The safety of the product confirmed by doctors.
· Slows down the aging process.
· Boosts immunity.
· Boosts concentration.
· Keeps cholesterol level low.
· Helps sleep better.
· Supports blood circulation.
· Increases sexual performance.
· Helps the function of the immune system.
As you can see the Acai Berry 900 brings many health benefits, and it isn’t only the weight loss supplement, although many people have been able to lose 25 pounds in 5 weeks, taking the Acai Berry 900.
The Cost
The supplement is sold in 3 different packages:
1. Maximum Weight Loss Package – 3 packages + 3 free, which lasts for 6-month treatment and costs $109 (discounted from $234).
2. Optimal Package – 2 packages + 1 free, which lasts for 3-month treatment and costs $75 (discounted from $117).
3. Starter Package – 1-month treatment, which costs $39.
Video Review
Click Here to Learn More about Acai Berry 900
Garcinia Cambogia Actives
The Garcinia Cambogia Actives supplement is based on 6 natural ingredients, but the main ones to Garcinia Cambogia and green tea. This supplement speeds up weight loss, metabolism and improves digestion. Let’s look at one of the main ingredients – Garcinia Cambogia.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia is also known as Malabar Tamarind and it’s a tropical fruit which grows in South East Asia, India and some parts of Africa.
Garcinia Cambogia is often used in weight loss supplements, but on its own the weight loss results were not satisfactory. Some supplements with Garcinia Cambogia which contain too much of the fruit can even cause nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, and headaches, but the Garcinia Cambogia Actives supplement passed a series of necessary tests and research conducted by independent institutions and scientists, which have not only confirmed the effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia Actives, but also stated that its use is safe for the body.
The Main Pros of Garcinia Cambogia Actives
· Garcinia Cambogia Actives not only burns fat, but also improves overall health and fitness.
· It reduces appetite significantly.
· No side effects; 100% safe for the body.
· There’s no yo-yo effect.
· Gives more energy.
· Money back guarantee.
The Main Cons
· It can be purchased online only.
The Main Ingredients and How They Work
· Garcinia Cambogia – burns fat, reduces appetite and cholesterol.
· Green Tea – apart from the earlier mentioned green tea benefits it brings to the overall health for the body, it also speeds up metabolism.
· Guarana – it stimulates the nervous system, removes fatigue, increases resistance and physical strength, and it also has thermogenic and antioxidant properties.
· Cayenne Pepper – it increases metabolism and burns the calories.
· Black Pepper – it improves digestion, helps lose weight, fights many diseases and improves the overall health.
· Green Coffee – it’s very helpful for weight loss because it speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite, helps with cholesterol levels, boosts energy, and reduces cellulite.
The Cost of Garcinia Cambogia Actives
The Garcinia Cambogia Actives is sold in 3 packages:
· Best Value Package – 3 bottles + 3 free, which is a 6-month supply and costs $124.60 ($20.76 per bottle).
· Standard Package – 2 bottles + 1 free, which is a 3-month supply and costs $83 ($27.66 per bottle).
· Basic Package – 1-month supply, which costs $41.55.
Click Here to Learn More about Garcinia Cambogia Actives
Fast Burn Extreme (the best for people who like to work out)
Fast Burn Extreme is another weight loss supplement that uses the power of green tea extract for weight loss, together with some other powerful fat burning ingredients.
This supplement is especially loved by athletes and physically active people because the Fast Burn Extreme Formula was created especially for them. But more and more all kinds of people are discovering that the formula for everybody, not just for the athletes. Although it must be said that if you’re physically active and take the supplement, then you’ll burn fat very fast.
The thing is that some people who exercise a lot are disappointed because their muscles still don’t show. The problem is that the fat is blocking the muscles under it. So, it isn’t enough to exercise and develop muscles. You also need to burn the fat above the muscles. The Fast Burn Extreme burns the fat above the muscles very fast, so the muscles can be seen quickly.
But if you don’t care about the muscles and you just want to burn fat, then the supplement can help you too, because it’s a very good fat burner.
How Does the Fast Burn Extreme Work?
It Supports Metabolism
Because fat is energy stored in your body, you need to increase your metabolism to burn the fat. This supplement increases metabolism and releases the energy accumulated in fat tissue.
It Prevents Fat Formation
The formula in the Fast Burn Extreme changes the body mode from fat storing to fat burning, so our body can use the supplied energy instead of storing it.
Thermogenic Properties
The formula improves the thermogenesis process in your body. I wrote about Thermogenesis under the ThermaCuts supplement.
It Improves Endurance During Exercise
The natural active substances in the supplement improve concentration and endurance of the body.
- Green Tea – I have already written a lot about the amazing effects of green tea for weight loss.
- Indian Nettle Extract – It improves fat metabolism and stimulates the body to reduce its fat reserves.
- Bitter Orange Extract – It improves the digestive system and metabolism, suppresses appetite and stabilizes the level of glucose in the blood.
- Capsicum Extract – Improves the digestion, shields the stomach, burns fat reserves.
- Garcinia Cambogia – You can read about Garcinia Cambogia under the Garcinia Cambogia Actives supplement.
- Chrome – It stabilizes the blood sugar, which suppress appetite and reduces the problem of snacking. Chrome also supports the metabolism of macronutrients.
- Vitamin B6 – It maintains the proper energy metabolism, regulates the functioning of the endocrine system and maintains internal balance.
- Caffeine – It energizes instantly, improves concentration and endurance, so you can exercise longer, achieving better results.
The Pros of Fast Burn Extreme
- Improves the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates
- Prevents the formation of fat
- Increases endurance
- Improves concentration
- No doping agents in the formula
- Transforms fat stored in the body into energy
- It exposes muscles
- 90 days money back guarantee
The Main Cons
- It can be purchased online only from the official website.
The Cost
The supplement can be bought in 3 packages:
- Best Value Package – Buy 3 bottles and get 3 bottles free. It costs $177 ($29.50 per bottle) and it’s 6-month supply.
- Standard Package – Buy 2 bottles and get 1 bottle free. It costs $118 ($39.33 per bottle) and it’s 3-month supply.
- Basic Package – 1 bottle, which costs $59 and it’s 1-month supply.
Click Here to Buy Fast Burn Extreme
Silvets (the most recommended)
The Silvets Pills are very popular because they work, all the ingredients are 100% natural and it’s a blend of traditional well-known fat burning ingredients with some new, more modern ingredients.
Some ingredients are the same as in the other pills already described, but let’s look at all the main ingredients first:
The Main Ingredients of Silvets
· Green Tea
· Acai Berries
· Guarana
· Cayenne Powder
· L Carnitine Tartrate
· Bioperine
Let’s look now at some of the ingredients in more detail.
Guarana apart from the qualities we described earlier, is also one of the best sources of caffeine, which is very useful at keeping hunger away. Guarana also gives an instant boost of energy.
L Carnitine Tartrate is very good at increasing energy, it facilitates muscles shaping and it speeds up digestion.
Bioperine also speeds up digestion and improves the functioning of the whole digestive system.
The Main Pros of the Silvets Pills
· They lower appetite and will keep you sated for a long time.
· You’ll be less tired and have more energy.
· You’ll build muscles faster.
· Your metabolism will be increased.
· You’ll get rid of fat even from the places where it’s hard to burn fat.
· Fast weight loss.
· No yo-yo effects.
The pills can be purchased online only, and I have never heard any negative opinions about the pills.
The Cost
The Silvets Pills are sold in 3 packages:
1. Best Value Package – 3 bottles + 3 Free – it’s 6-month supply, which costs $151.17 ($29.19 per bottle).
2. Standard Package – 2 bottles + 1 Free – it’s 3-month supply, which costs $100.78 ($33.59 per bottle).
3. Basic Package – 1 bottle – 1-month supply, which costs $50.39.
Click Here to Learn More about Silvets Pills
Click Here to Buy Silvets from the Official Website
Keto Cheat Extra Strength Ketogenic Carb Blocker & Appetite Suppressant
The Keto Cheat Extra Strength Ketogenic Carb Blocker is sold on Amazon.com and it has very good reviews there. The blocker’s main ingredients are White Kidney Bean Extract, Green Tea Extract, and Pure Cinnamon. The goal of the blocker is to block carbohydrate absorption, cut down on subcutaneous body fat buildup, and support healthy weight loss. After reading the reviews of the people who bought it, I think it really works.
The main goal of this supplement is to block carbohydrate absorption into the body, so it can be taken especially on the days when you eat too many carbohydrates, or it can be also taken every day, especially by people who like eating carbohydrates. It’s not a pure weight loss supplement like the supplements reviewed above, but it’s very useful for people who want to control carbs absorption in the body.
The Main Pros of the Keto Cheat Carb Blocker
· It allows you to binge on the food from time to time without bad side effects of eating too much.
· Great for people on low carb diet.
· 30 days 100% money back guarantee
· 100% Free of the GMOs, preservatives, binders, fillers, dairy, gluten, soy, peanut, egg, or hidden ingredients found in many other diet pills, appetite suppressants, weight loss supplements, and fat burners.
· Boosts fat burning metabolism.
· Blocks carbohydrate absorption.
· Supports healthy weight loss.
· Suppresses appetite.
· Non-GMO
I have not found any cons about this product, which is manufactured in the USA, in the GMP certified facility, and third party tested.
Click Here to Buy It on Amazon.com
Genius Probiotics for Weight Loss with Green Tea Extract
The Genius PRO-GT has lots of positive reviews on Amazon.com. This product is more than weight loss supplement, because it has also a great anti-aging and skin heath properties. Let’s take a look into these 3 different areas, where the Genius works so well.
1. Weight Loss – the supplement reduces the weight thanks to Morinaga B-3 which suppresses weight gain and body fat accumulation as well as lowers blood glucose and total cholesterol levels. This is because the probiotic formula developed by the Genius Team promotes gut health. The green tea in the supplement is very well absorbed by the body, thanks to the special Phytosome technology.
2. Skin Health and Beauty Improvements – the probiotics help keep your intestines clean and healthy. The beneficial microflora attacks pathogens to keep your blood clean and healthy, and healthy blood nourishes your hair, skin and nails.
3. Anti-aging – the supplement has anti-aging properties, because probiotics help prevent accelerated aging of skin from short-term UV exposure.
The strength of this supplement comes from combining the probiotics with bioavailability enhanced green tea extract. This allowed to create a truly advanced metabolism booster and a daily wellness supplement.
This supplement is great for people who do not want to consume any caffeine, because the decaffeinated green tea extract is used in the supplement. It might not be recommended for people who want an extra energy boost from caffeine though.
The Main Pros of the Genius PRO-GT
· It causes weight loss, especially in the waistline area.
· It Reduces the stomach bloat.
· It improves digestive health.
· The skin becomes beautiful and vibrant.
· It improves the overall health.
The Cons
Some (minority) people say it did not work for them and they did not lose any weight. Some people who lost some weight, noticed that the changes were not permanent and there was the yo-yo effect.
If you want to try it, you might start with one package to see if it works for you.
Click Here to Buy It on Amazon.com
Simple Zen Rise and Fat Burner
The Simple Zen Rise and Fat Burner is an extreme fat burner that works very fast. It was formulated by Julianna Lin, a certified nutritionist, and it’s made from natural ingredients only.
- Green Tea Extract
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Garcinia Cambogia
- Rhodiola Rosea
The Main Pros
- Works fast.
- Improves metabolism.
- Stops junk food cravings.
- Burns fat.
- Reduces cortisol, the stress hormone.
- Healthy, natural and gentle – it does not make people nauseous.
The Main Cons
- The pills smell quite strongly of apple cider vinegar, which can be unpleasant for some people.
Click Here to Learn More About Simple Zen Rise
The Best Green Tea Only Pills for Weight Loss
Let’s review now the best supplements where Green Tea is the only ingredient.
The Matchamax™ dietary supplement is capsules filled with pure organic Japanese Match Green Tea from Japan. The supplement is sold by VitaMonk on Amazon.com. It isn’t well-known in the West yet, but so far it has only positive reviews.
The Main Pros of Matchamax™
· It boosts metabolism and promotes natural weight loss because matcha green tea supports thermogenesis, the process of burning calories by your body, and fat oxidation.
· It’s a powerful antioxidant.
· It increases focus, calmness and a state of relaxation, thanks to L-theanine in matcha.
· It boosts energy without giving you the jitters, thanks to natural caffeine.
· Natural, organic and pure matcha green tea pills.
· 100% money back guarantee.
The pills are especially good for people who do not tolerate the supplements with lots of caffeine, because the caffeine in Matchamax™ provides the energy without the jitters.
The Price
At the moment of writing, the product costs $27.99 on Amazon.com.
Click Here to Buy Matchamax™ on Amazon.com
Organic Matcha Capsules
Organic Match Capsules are another product with Matcha Green Tea, which contain 100% organic matcha, not from extract.
All the good things I wrote about the Matchamax™ apply also to this product. This product is also sold on Amazon.com and has many positive reviews, and at the moment of writing it costs $24.69. You can find many promotions and special offers for the capsules. The product comes from Kiss Me Organics.
Click Here to See Organic Matcha Capsules on Amazon.com
Green Tea Extract Supplement with EGCG for Weight Loss – Metabolism, Energy and Healthy Heart Formula – Gentle Caffeine Source – Antioxidant & Free Radical Scavenger – 120 Capsules
This product comes from Zhou Nutrition and it costs only $16.95 at the moment of writing on Amazon.com. It has lots of positive reviews there.
It contains Green Tea Extract (Standardized to 98% polyphenols, 80% catechins, 50% EGCG). There’s 15 mg of caffeine in one pill, which equals 1/6 cup of coffee. It has all the good qualities that you can find in good green tea products.
EGCG is the most abundant catechin in tea, and it stands for Epigallocatechin gallate, also known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which is a polyphenol that probably has high potential to affect human health and disease. It’s being researched by scientists, and it’s very popular in many dietary supplements.
Click Here to Learn More About the Green Tea Extract Supplement on Amazon.com
Applied Nutrition Green Tea Fat Burner with EGCG
The Applied Nutrition Green Tea Fat Burner with EGCG are soft gels. There are 200 soft gels in the pack, each one of them contains 400 mg of EGCG. At the moment of writing the product costs $18.49.
You should take 1 or 2 gels in the morning and in the afternoon with meals and a glass of water.
The product is not suitable for people younger than 18 years old. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid any green tea weight loss pills because of the caffeine. The same goes for children.
The gels are sold on Amazon.com and have many positive reviews. All the pure green tea pills and gels bring similar benefits, like fat burning, hunger suppression, more energy, alertness and other described above.
We have chosen one of the best pure green tea weight loss supplements, but there are many more available on Amazon.com
Click Here to Buy the Applied Nutrition Green Tea Fat Burner with EGCG on Amazon.com
Life Extension Mega Green Tea Extract (98% Polyphenols) Decaffeinated, 100 Vegetarian Capsules
The Life Extension Mega Green Tea Extract pills are especially good for people who can’t or don’t want to take any pills with caffeine, because the pills are decaffeinated.
They are good for vegetarians and very rich in polyphenols, so you will get a lot pf antioxidant benefits with the pills. According to the manufacturer, one capsule of their supplement contains more polyphenols than five cups of green tea.
The pills are manufactured in the United States, and can be bough from Amazon.com, where they have many good revierws.
The Ingredients
- Green tea decaffeinated extract (leaf),
- Vegetable cellulose (capsule),
- Rice flour
- Stearic acid
- Silica
The Main Pros of Life Extension Mega Green Tea Extract
- Suitable for vegetarians.
- Suitable for people who can’t take caffeine.
- Help with liver detoxification.
- Improve immunity.
- Boost healthy cell growth.
The Cons
- Some people complained that the pills make them a little nauseous.
Click Here to Buy Life Extension Mega Green Tea on Amazon.com
Bulksupplements Green Tea Extract
The Bulksupplements Green Tea Extract is good for people who want just pure green tea extract. It’s just pure and clean green tea powder. It does contain caffeine.
The Main Pros of Bulksupplements Green Tea Extract
- MSG free
- Non GMO
- A lot of antioxidants
- 50% EGCG powder
The Main Cons
- As this is just pure green tea, it takes time to lose weight taking it. It’s more beneficial for health purposes than weight loss.
Click Here to Buy Bulksupplements Green Tea Extract on Amazon.com
Gaia Herbs Green Tea, Vegan Liquid Capsules, 60 Count – Antioxidant Support and Heart Health Supplement, Certified Organic Green Tea Extract
This product isn’t advertised as weight loss pills, but as the energy pills. But, it doesn’t matter how it is advertised; it matters how it works.
The product is made from 100% green tea extract. The green tea is grown by Gaia Herbs which is well known for producing high quality herbal supplements.
This is a 4-star product on Amazon, with mostly positive reviews. At the moment of writing the product has 30 reviews. People who bought and used the product have reported many good effects like increase of the energy levels, better looking skin and improved immunity.
There are no reports of weight loss among the reviewers, but as I mentioned earlier, it takes long time to lose weight with green tea only. For weight loss is better to purchase green tea pills mixed with other ingredients that help with weight loss.
Click Here to Order Gaia Capsules on Amazon
I have reviewed the best green tea weight loss pills, both the pure green tea pills and the pills containing green tea and other ingredients, like Acai berry, green coffee, cayenne pepper, Garcinia Cambogia and other substances.
Everyone can find some suitable pills. If you exercise and eat healthy, the pure green tea pills should be enough for you to lose weight. Otherwise, if you do not exercise much and/or want to burn fat faster, then you should go for the pills described in the first part of this review.
Click here to buy Silvets Pills
Thank you for taking the time out to build such an informative website. I was particularly interested in the diet and was excited when I saw that all the suggestions were regular food that I love.
Presently I am not affected by cellulite but I have relatives who do, I also know that I have the potential to develop it because lately I have not been paying much attention to my diet and had put on some extra pounds which I am now trying to take off.
I will also try the exercises but the diet was the bomb for me.
Thank you for the nice comment,
Thanks for the great review/introduction. I actually traveled to China last year on a Groupon trip. It was a blast. Part of the trip was various state owned services like the silk factory, pearl factory and, of course, tea plantation. I ended up spending a bit at the tea plantation and have to say the benefits of green tea are great.
I’m a 42 year old man and have developed somewhat of a belly in my recent years. I’ve found the tea pills to be helpful but I’m curious about the ones that include more than just green tea. I’ll have to take a look at the ones you’ve reviewed here and see which one might suit me best as I’m getting low on those I brought back from my trip.
Thanks again!
Thank you for the interesting comment.
Thank you for this great green tea weight loss pills review! I believe this is a great topic because health is important to everyone, I like the fact that all of the pills products are affordable, this is so important because the economy all over the world is tied right now and it really helps a lot if you can still afford to pay for such products to keep your health, particularly your weight in check. I have two questions about the topic the first is this: apart from the pure green tea pills and it’s blend like acaiberry 900 pills, can you also lose weight simply by drinking tea from pure green leaf? and my second question is this: which pills from your review do you thing is more effective for weight loss?
Good questions – yes, simply drinking green tea from pure green leaves is also beneficial for weight loss. I wrote about it here: Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss. But, taking supplements with green tea mixed with other fat burning ingredients will result in faster weight loss.
I think taking pills like Silvets, which have ingredients like green tea, acai berries, guarana, bioperine, and others, will be more effective than drinking pure green tea or taking the supplements with green tea only.