Coconut oil and cellulite are words that we don’t often see together in a sentence. But what if I tell you that you can actually use coconut oil for cellulite relief? Would you believe me?
You will see, hear, or read everywhere about the cornucopia of health benefits that coconut oil brings. I was really impressed when I first heard about it from a colleague. From functioning as a salve for wounds to boosting energy to fighting Alzheimer’s Disease, we can say that this wonder oil can be called a miracle.
Its newest contribution to beauty and wellness is its ability to reduce those unsightly dimples or orange peel-like appearance of the skin otherwise known as cellulite. When rubbed into the skin, it is said to lessen the occurrence of cellulite in some people.
Curious about the connection between coconut oil and cellulite? Take a look at this post, then.
What Is Cellulite?
When fat builds up around the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and thighs, cellulite appears. Like I have said earlier, it causes the dimpling of the skin, which, honestly, looks unappealing.
It makes you self-conscious to the point that you limit yourself when it comes to clothes. I even know some who even resorted to wearing sweatpants on the beach because they feel hideous. And it makes me sad that women feel like this about their bodies.
Cellulite becomes more visible when excess fat is being pushed onto the skin. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is a common skin condition, especially to women in their teens and middle age.
According to studies, genes play a huge part in the appearance of cellulite. This means that no matter how skinny or athletic you are, you might have cellulite if it runs in your blood. However, those who are overweight are more susceptible to getting it than those who actively exercise and eat healthy meals so don’t be too complacent.
So how do we effectively use coconut oil for cellulite reduction? Check out the next section.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Cellulite Reduction
Apart from the tips and tricks that I already shared in this post, here are more ways:
Make Sure to Correctly Massage with Coconut Oil
You don’t just brush away the cellulite. You need to follow the perfect way to dry brush. First step is to gently apply coconut oil onto your body. After which, brush in circular motion from your feet to your legs. Target your chest next, then your abdomen, and your arms.
Follow the counterclockwise direction for dry brushing on your stomach. It is best to brush in long sweeps, and make sure that you don’t go back and forth to avoid wasting time.
Don’t be too harsh on your skin. Use gentle strokes and don’t brush too hard. Doing so will only make you look like a freshly cooked lobster – red and burning. Believe me, I know.
Do this routine before you shower so you can remove excess oil easily. It is safe to do this for as much as twice a day.
Caffeine-Coconut Oil For Cellulite
Another technique that has been making rounds lately is the coffee and a coconut oil combo as a body scrub. Apart from eliminating cellulite, it can also keep your skin smooth and supple.
You will need 1/4 cup of coffee grounds, 3 tablespoons of sugar (normal or brown, depending on your preference), and 3 tablespoons of hot, melted coconut oil.
To make the scrub, you will need to mix all of the ingredients until a paste is formed. Put the paste in a glass jar. It is that easy. Anyone can practically do it.
Heat the paste prior to using it. The mixture of the raw and rough textures works impeccably in exfoliating the skin. It opens clogged pores as the coconut oil properly hydrates the skin. In addition to that, the concoction promotes proper blood flow in the body.
Apply the scrub on your target areas with firm pressure and rinse off after 15 minutes. Do this three times a week to see results.
What I love most about this paste, is its smell. It is so invigorating.
Create Your Own Mixtures
You can directly apply coconut oil for cellulite removal by gently massaging onto your problem areas. It works pretty much like a cream or lotion.
Better yet, you can make your own facial treatments, body butter, massage oil, stretch mark remover, and sugar scrub with coconut oil. You can find tons of recipes online that involves coconut oil and cellulite.
Others use coconut oil as their base for their essential oils. Majority pair the oil with lavender and rose.
Does It Really Work?
In one study, it was found that virgin coconut oil is as effective as mineral oil in moisturizing the skin.
Did you know that collagen is a common ingredient in beauty creams that promise to tighten skin and reverse the signs of aging? Well, good news. It was reported that coconut oil heals the skin as it can boost collagen production.
Collagen is an important element as it firms and tightens the skin. Consequently, cellulite is lessened as production of collagen is improved.
Because coconut oil smooths and moisturizes skin, the dimples, which are prominent characteristics of cellulite, slowly disappear. It may not be much for some, but those two properties mentioned have been proven instrumental in paving the way to a cellulite-free skin.
Therefore, naysayers who refuse to believe that coconut oil for cellulite is possible, should probably change their mind.
Risks and Side Effects
A word of caution though. Coconut oil for cellulite is not for everyone so you need to be prepared for what we are about to tell you.
Those who have sensitive skin should do a patch test on a small area of your skin before you decide to apply generously. We suggest doing the test on the underside of your wrist or feet.
Check for any allergic reactions such as itching, redness, and scaling. If you see any of those symptoms, it is best to discontinue use of coconut oil and call your doctor immediately.
Remember not to scrub too hard or your skin will dry out. Be gentle.
Coconut oil can cause acne specially for those who have oily skin. Don’t go all out on your first few tries as you are still experimenting on the reaction of your skin to coconut oil. Remember to apply sparingly.
If you do decide to consume coconut oil, make sure that you take only the recommended amount. Coconut oil contains saturated fat and is high in calories. It can also cause loose motions so be careful. As always, we urge you to consult your doctor before doing anything, especially if you intend to consume a lot of coconut oil.
More Ways to Boost Cellulite Elimination
Applying coconut oil topically and consuming it, it will greatly help your efforts in getting rid of those pesky lumps. You should know though that there are more ways to completely remove cellulite.
The key here is to take on preventative measures so that you can remove cellulite from your life for good. Here are ways to do that:
- Make your diet more alkaline – we mean add fresh fruits, and green and leafy veggies to your daily food staple. These foods help remove toxins while keeping the acidic atmosphere from forming in your body. Remember that toxins and waste cause cellulite too, so it is best to keep toxins from building up.
- Hydrate yourself– aside from water, fresh juices count too. Again, all those help your body flush out the toxins from your system. There are drinks that you need to avoid too. Examples are caffeinated drinks and over-the-counter energy drinks.
- Get moving – get your butt off that couch and work out, girlfriend. Sweat it out to increase your chances of saying goodbye to cellulite. Pick exercises that target your abdomen, legs, and pelvic area. If you can’t go to the gym every day, consider running or biking. Here you can find exactly how to get rid of cellulite with exercise.
- Consult your doctor – talk to your doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian for a diet plan. They can create one that addresses your need to eradicate cellulite. This is a necessary step for those who are genetically predisposed to it.
Bottom Line
In general, coconut oil for cellulite is safe. It is efficient in smoothing, toning, tightening, and moisturizing skin where cellulite occurs. The bad thing is that this solution is not for everyone.
If you are allergic to coconut or if you experience irritations during your patch test, please avoid it altogether. But if not, there is no harm in trying this well-loved coconut oil. Check it out and see if it can work its miracle on your dimpled skin.
So, do you believe that we can use coconut oil for cellulite elimination? Did this post help you? Let us know through the comments section below.
If you’re looking for an anti-cellulite supplement, check out Cellinea Pills.
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