The process of aging is not the only factor that takes a huge toll on a woman’s body. Childbirth, pregnancy, weight gain, and even stress, contribute to some of the major, undesirable changes that most women experience. One of these changes is Vaginal Stretching, which is also referred to as Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (VRS).
Vaginal stretching is a condition that often manifests itself in women over 40 years old, and primary due to childbirth, weight gain, and aging. Because of these factors, the vagina wall gradually becomes stretched and relaxed, resulting in a reduction of vaginal tightness and firmness. Additionally, the vagina’s ability to produce collagen diminishes, causing the vagina to lose elasticity and moisture, exactly the same way the skin looses its firmness and youthfulness.
Vagina looseness may seem normal, but the problem is that it brings about numerous issues. For example, due to a reduction of vaginal tightness, becoming aroused and achieving orgasm during intercourse can be hard. A loose vagina is also known to lead to incontinence, vagina dryness, pain during intercourse, and a reduction of natural vagina lubrication. For these reasons, many women are now resorting to vaginal tightening treatments.
Vagina Tightening Treatments – What Are They and How Do They Work?
Vagina tightening is a practice that has been gaining popularity over the past few years. Gone are the days when women would suffer in silence due to problems brought about by lost vaginal elasticity and firmness. Vagina tightening treatments have proven to be quite effective in restoring vagina tightness and thereby boosting the confidence of these women.
Vagina tightening treatments are basically specialized treatments that help women reverse the loss of vaginal elasticity and firmness due to childbirth, aging, hormonal changes, weight gain, and other factors. Besides tightening the vagina, these treatments also eliminate dryness by stimulating the production of natural vaginal lubrication. This eliminates pain during intercourse. By tightening the vagina, these treatments also help prevent urinary incontinence in women.
What Are the Most Popular Vaginal Tightening Treatments?
There are various vagina tightening treatments out there and each one of them works differently to help women achieve vagina tightness. Let’s a have a look at each one of these vagina tightening treatments.
Vaginoplasty (Surgical Vaginal Tightening)
Vaginoplasty is one of the most popular methods of tightening the vagina. The surgical procedure is basically performed to tighten up a vagina that has become overly stretched and loose due to childbirth, weight gain, aging, and other factors.
During the procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions inside the vagina area to join the loosened muscles and shorten them. Extra mucosal skin from the back side of the vagina is removed as well. Once the perfect tightness has been achieved, the mucosal skin is closed with dissolvable threads.
The procedure can be painful and you may experience some swelling and bruising for approximately 2-4 weeks. Doctors recommend abstaining from sex or any form of insertion until healing is complete. Complete recovery may vary between individuals, but in most cases, it usually takes approximately 4-6 weeks or more.
Vaginoplasty can be performed alone or with Labiaplasty, which is a form of cosmetic surgery that changes the size or shape of the labia, making it smaller and asymmetrically perfect.
Vaginal Tightening Gels
Vaginal tightening gels are some of the most commonly used treatments to tighten a loose vagina. The tightening gel is topically applied to the vagina to firm and tighten the vagina naturally. Most of these gels contain active ingredients which restore collagen and elastin production, helping increase the firmness and elasticity of the vaginal tissue.
All you have to do is apply the gel as directed and achieve some tightness in just a few minutes after application. Some quality tightening gels can actually give results approximately 10 minutes. One of the best gels available on the market is V-Tight Gel.
Laser Vagina Tightening
The use of vagina tightening lasers is becoming increasingly popular as they are not only one of the best non-surgical vagina tightening treatments, but also because they are highly effective, safe, and affordable.
This treatment helps correct or greatly improve vagina atrophy and strengthens and tightens the vaginal wall, effectively addressing lost vaginal elasticity, dryness, lost sensation, and incontinence from childbirth, old age, hormonal changes, and weight gain.
The laser works by creating tiny painless tears on the vaginal canal with the purpose to stimulate the production of new collagen and increase blood flow. As the tears gradually heal and more collagen is built, the vaginal tissue becomes stronger and its former youthfulness is restored. Natural vaginal lubrication and sensation are also enhanced, allowing you to experience painless and more pleasurable sex. Urinary incontinence is also greatly reduced.
Unlike surgery, the procedure is non-invasive, painless, a little bit affordable, and takes just a few minutes.
Vagina Fillers
Hyraluronic acid vaginal dermal fillers are some of the most popular vagina tightening fillers. The fillers are basically injected into the internal front wall of the vagina. They can also be injected into the clitoris.
So how do the fillers work?
Well, when injected, the fillers boost volume and enhance the shape of your vagina by absorbing water. This adds volume to your vagina while enhancing lubrication. With a fuller and firmer vagina, you should be able to enjoy heightened sexual pleasure and restore your vagina’s youthfulness.
Additionally, the extra volume in the vagina supports the urethra, making it less likely to leak urine, thereby eliminating the symptoms of incontinence.
Vaginal fillers are non-invasive, painless, and affordable.
Radio Frequency Vaginal Tightening
The use of radiofrequency to tighten the vagina has become an increasingly popular method, especially due to its effectiveness. The treatment uses painless radiofrequency energy to tighten both the labia and vagina.
The energy transmitted gently heats the vagina tissue to stimulate blood flow and collagen production while promoting shrinking and tightening of your genitalia. The treatment often takes approximately 30 minutes and because it’s painless, you should be able to resume intercourse and normal daily activities immediately.
Vaginal tightening with radiofrequency energy is able to address common vagina issues like loss of elasticity, dryness, pain during sex, reduced vagina sensation, and urinary incontinence. The results are also long-lasting.
Vagina Tightening Creams
Vagina tightening creams are made up of special ingredients that help restore, rejuvenate, and reverse loss of elasticity, volume, firmness, and lubrication of your vagina. The result is a more youthful vagina that will restore your sexual pleasure and reduce the risk of incontinence.
Because most vaginal creams provide instant results, they are commonly used to increase vaginal lubrication and sensation of pleasurable intercourse.
Vagina Tightening Pills
The pills contain active ingredients that help eliminate the symptoms of a loose vagina. Some pills promise an instant and permanent tightening of the vagina.
Factors such as aging cause a reduction in estrogen, the essential hormone that is responsible for maintaining proper health of the sexual organs of a woman. When this happens, a number of things happen, and one of them is the vagina losing its elasticity and firmness. Most vaginal tightening pills are made of various compounds such as phytoestrogen that increase the levels of estrogen in a woman’s body.
An increase in estrogen replenishes and rejuvenates a woman’s sexual organs, restoring their function and youthfulness.
Vagina tightening treatments are becoming increasingly popular as more women look forward to enhancing their sex life while reducing the risk of incontinence and other issues. The younger your sexual organs are, the more vibrant and confident you will be. So don’t be ashamed of restoring the youthfulness of your vagina. It’s the least you can do to restore your confidence, self-esteem, and of course a healthy sex life.
If you’re looking for the easy and fast vagina tightening treatment at home, then read V-Tight Gel Review.
If you want to increase your libido, then read about libido enhancement pills for women.
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