Today we are going to look into another anti-cellulite treatment that promises reduction of cellulite. Does Endermologie Cellulite Treatment work? Keep on reading to find out.
What Is Endermologie Cellulite Treatment?
Endermologie cellulite treatment is a special cellulite treatment that reduces the appearance of cellulite mechanically using massages, rolling as well as manipulations of skin tissues in cellulite prone areas. The treatment is non-surgical and boasts of being one of the 1st cellulite treatments to receive FDA approval. Endermologie is popular today because it improves the appearance of cellulite and offers other skin health benefits like improving circulation, relieving minor muscle aches, improving skin radiance and skin tone.
The History of Endermologie
Although Endermologie cellulite treatment is one of the most popular non-surgical cellulite treatments today, the treatment dates back decades i.e. the 1980s. The treatment was originally developed by Louis Paul Guitay in France to treat burns and loose scar tissue. The treatment was however found to improve the appearance of cellulite in many patients receiving treatment for burns and loose scar tissue. This marked the debut of Endermologie as a cellulite treatment. Endermologie is now a popular treatment for cellulite. It is used by many dermatologists, plastic surgeons, beauticians and masseurs to improve the appearance of cellulite bumps/lumps.
The Procedure
Endermologie cellulite treatment begins with a consultation meant to examine the patient and answer all the questions the patient may have about cellulite and the treatment. It’s worth noting that Endermologie is generally safe, however, the treatment is meant to reduce and not get rid of cellulite completely. The consultation clarifies such details to patients to ensure their expectations are in line with the results.
During the consultation, patients also get a specialized treatment program. Depending on factors such as the size of the treatment area, patient availability, etc., you will be advised on the number of treatments you should receive. In most cases, patients usually get a maximum of 6 to 10 cellulite treatments producing results that last for several months, but depending on factors such as diet and exercise. The treatment works best when you maintain a good diet and exercise regime. A typical Endermologie treatment session takes 30 minutes. The length of the sessions can however vary depending on the size of the treatment area and a patient’s special needs.
During treatment, patients wear specialized body stockings. The professional administering the treatment, i.e. a therapist uses a hand-held massaging device to massage the treatment area. To get the best results, you should receive treatment 1 – 2 times a week. You should also seek the treatment from a qualified health/beauty professional. It’s also worth noting that the treatment doesn’t hurt. It is in fact, relieving like a typical massage session.
Does It Work?
As mentioned above, the treatment is meant to improve the appearance of cellulite. In that regard, the treatment works perfectly. It is therefore a great short-term non-surgical solution for cellulite. To get the best results, you must combine the treatment with a good diet and exercise to tackle the root causes of cellulite which are; inactivity and poor diet. If you are 100% serious about getting rid of cellulite for good, you need to consider exercising and eating right as the best long-term treatments for cellulite.
One of the best cellulite exercise programs available today is Naked Beauty Exercises by Joey Atlas. These exercises are extremely simple and effective.
Check out Dia Freeze Machine for slimming and cellulite that you can use at home.
Very informative, well detailed and easy to read. Cellulite can be a scary thing for most women especially as we age. But knowing that there are alternatives out there does tend to ease our mind.
I especially liked the fact that you’ve added photos as we humans are very visual. This also gives your readers time to breath while reading. There’s nothing worse than a blog with one big paragraph.
Thank you for the nice review!
This is a great review. Cellulite affects everyone- doesn’t matter how skinny or fit you are, it’s just a normal part of aging and life. However, that doesn’t mean we have to deal with it lol! I’ll definitely be looking into this treatment in the future.
I’m glad you mentioned eating healthy and exercising as long term solutions too; you have to work for the body you want right!
Thanks for the nice comment Em!