Are you looking for a Nicorix review to know if it is the product that can free you from your smoking addiction? You came to the right place. I got you covered.
The aim of this review is to help you decide if you need Nicorix or if you should find another product that can finally help you quit smoking.
Apart from talking about what Nicorix is and how it does its job, I will also discuss what smoking does to your body so you can convince yourself to get rid of the smoking habit for good.
Let’s start, shall we?
How Does Smoking Affect the Body?
Did you think that nothing will happen to your body when you indulge in smoking? Well, let me tell you about the effects:
1. Complications during pregnancy – everyone knows that smoking is harmful for adults. How much more for a developing baby?
Low birth weight, ectopic pregnancy, preterm delivery, damaged central nervous system, lungs, and brain, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and congenital defects are just some of the scary side effects.
2. Compromised immune system – smoking causes inflammation, and targets the immune system so you become more prone to diseases.
3. Diabetes – smoking makes it difficult for diabetics to manage their disease. Also, 40% of smokers have a greater risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes.
4. Eye impairment – examples of eye problems that you might acquire when you smoke are cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, dry eyes, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
5. Heart disease – atherosclerosis or the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels is one of the effects of cigarette smoking. This accumulation blocks the blood vessels and limits the flow of blood.
Smokers might also be at risk of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), wherein the arteries connected to the head, arms, legs, and stomach narrow until blood flow is restricted.
You might experience blood clots, chest pain, heart attack, or stroke if you have PAD.
6. Infertility – women who smoke are more likely going to have difficulties getting pregnant or even harm the reproductive system. The reason is that the chemicals can negatively impact the hormone levels.
Take note, men. If you don’t quit smoking right away, you will experience erectile dysfunction sometime in the near future. Fertility is reduced as well as sperm quality is affected.
7. Lung problems – you don’t only breathe in nicotine when you smoke. You also ingest an assortment of toxic chemicals that increase your risk of getting lung cancer. As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9 out of 10 deaths caused by lung cancer is connected to smoking.
8. COPD – smokers also have a bigger chance of getting Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD). Actually, the American Lung Association disclosed that 80% of COPD deaths are caused by cigarette smoking.
Let’s also add asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis to this list.
8. Poor oral health – if you are lucky enough, you only get to have yellow or stained teeth (click here to read about teeth whitening), and the inability to taste and smell things. But if worse comes to worst, you might have gum disease that causes bleeding and inflamed gums, and sensitive teeth.
9. Skin and hair woes – you will hate how you look. You will have hair that stinks, or you might even go bald. You will get wrinkly skin even if you are still young and you will smell like smoke even if you have showered. Plus, you get to have a chance of contracting skin cancer.
10. Other kinds of cancer – apart from lung cancer, there’s bladder, cervical, colon, esophageal, kidney, laryngeal, mouth, stomach, throat cancers, and acute myeloid leukemia.
Those who are exposed to secondhand smoke also have a greater risk of getting ear infections, worsened asthma attacks, high blood pressure, heart problems, and reduction of good cholesterol.
Why Is It Hard to Quit Smoking?
The culprit here is nicotine. This is what’s making your plan to quit more difficult than ever.
As your body gets accustomed to smoking, your body will want more and more nicotine to make you feel normal. Once your body does not get its dose of nicotine, you will feel distressed, upset, and you will crave to smoke again. That’s called withdrawal.
The bad thing is withdrawal does not go away easily. It will take days or even weeks for it to stop. As this happens, you will be tempted to smoke. This is the reason why many people relapse and go back to smoking.
Another factor is your mindset.
I can’t function without my cigarettes.
I might gain too much weight.
I am too stressed out to quit.
Smoking is not really that unhealthy. There are many people who smoke and are still alive, right?
My friends smoke too. How can I quit? It will be social suicide.
Really? Seriously? I really don’t want to burst your bubble here, but who are you kidding? Think about all the damages your body incurs with you constantly feeding it with harmful chemicals and toxins. Do you really want your body to suffer that much?
Honestly, the only thing that is positive from smoking is money, cash. Unfortunately, that money is not for you. You are only making the cigarette companies happy by supplying them with boatloads of money.
You might probably be thinking by now that I’m apathetic. That I don’t care about other people’s feelings and misfortunes.
The truth is that I have seen friends and family succumb to this addiction that they have crossed the point of no return. That is awfully painful to watch and I don’t want the same thing to happen to other people. Thus, I am finding ways to convince people to quit the destructive habit of smoking.
Don’t worry. You are not alone. Many people have tried to stop and failed so many times. It’s okay. Nicotine is a strong adversary so it is only right that you get help. If you really want to quit, find out if Nicorix is right for you by reading the Nicorix review below.
What Is Nicorix?
Nicorix is a scientifically proven nicotine-free smoking cessation supplement. Its bottle contains 60 capsules that lasts for a month.
The manufacturer has conducted tests and research to yield a competitive product. The results were astounding and here is how it went.
The research was conducted on smokers ages 25 to 65 who smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day for 18 years or so. The participants were then separated into two groups: (1) smoking for less than 10 years, and (2) smoking for more than 10 years.
Group 1 was asked to take 2 tablets while 3 tablets were required for group 2. In just one month of treatment, 94.9% of the participants in group 1 stopped smoking.
Of those, 92.7% did not relapse after the treatment. Since the result was astounding in group 1, they stopped the treatment in one month instead of continuing for another 30 days.
Group 2, on the other hand, extended their treatment for up to 2 months. 91.2% of the participants in this group stopped smoking while 89.9% did not go back to smoking after taking Nicorix.
How Does Nicorix Work?
The secret to Nicorix’s success is that it does not have nicotine. The reason is that you cannot effectively treat the addiction if you are still getting your dose. You need to control your nicotine dependence so that you can kick the habit for good.
The capsules work by giving your body a full yet steady detox so you can remove the nicotine out of your system. This way, the outcome is permanent. Plus, your mood is enhanced and you have a laser-sharp focus.
Additionally, Nicorix works by blocking the nicotine receptors to cheat the body into thinking that it does not need nicotine. Thus, the cravings go away even with just one tablet. You get to combat withdrawal symptoms as well. Say goodbye to unrest, irritability, and fast pulse.
To make it more effective, take 2 capsules per day. The treatment will last up to months, depending on the severity of your addiction.
More importantly. You cannot and should not stop consuming the tablets even when you feel like you no longer crave smoking. The reason is that Nicorix does its job well in keeping the withdrawal symptoms at bay.
If you want to get rid of your bad habit, religiously take the capsules for 2 months.
The Ingredients of Nicorix
One of the problems with quitting smoking is the weight increase. Thanks to guarana, one of the main ingredients of Nicorix, metabolism is improved significantly, and the weight increase stopped.
Here are the ingredients of Nicorix:
- The extract of guarana 22%
- Green tea extract
- The extract of kudzu
- Additional substances:
- Microcrystalline cellulose (bulking)
- Magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent)
- The silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent)
- Gelatin (capsule)
The Pros and Cons of Nicorix
Let’s make it short and sweet, shall we?
The Pros
- Effective (proven in tests and testimonials)
- Fights withdrawal symptoms
- Long-lasting results
- Helps in controlling weight
- Does not have nicotine
- Can be bought online without prescription
- Can be easily integrated into daily routine
The Cons
- Not cheap
- Needs to be consumed daily
- Works over time
The Price
Nicorix is sold in 2 packages:
- 30 tablets – 1-month supply, costs $25.
- 60 tablets – 2-month supply, costs $45.
Unlike other anti-smoking supplements, Nicorix does not have nicotine, which makes it easier for you to slowly manage your nicotine dependence. It prevents withdrawal symptoms from showing up and it has been proven to work.
It may have its minor flaws, but the benefits still outweigh the negatives.
In addition to taking Nicorix consistently, you will also need to change your mindset. You have to have the willpower to stop if not for yourself, but for your loved ones. If not, all efforts will be lost.
Do you have more to add to this Nicorix review? Please let us know your thoughts.
Click Here to Visit Nicorix’ Official Website
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