Taking collagen is becoming very popular nowadays and more and more women decide to take collagen to reduce cellulite. Is there really any benefit from taking collagen for cellulite? Does collagen help cellulite? Please keep on reading to find out.
Collagen can be defined as the main structural protein in the body’s connective tissue. In layman’s language, collagen is the glue that holds the body together. Collagen is in fact the most plentiful structural protein. It represents 80% of all connective tissues. Since the skin (dermis) contains 75% collagen, the protein accounts for approximately 90% of the entire skin volume.
Having adequate amounts of collagen is therefore vital for keeping the skin’s walls ridged and preventing cellulite bumps from appearing. This forms the basis of the relationship between collagen and cellulite.
Collagen and age
The body loses collagen as we age. This happens at an average rate of 1.5% every year after age 30. This is one of the main reasons why cellulite risks increase with age.
Why is it hard to get rid of cellulite?
Cellulite is so hard to get rid of because of a number of reasons, the most notable being the fact that collagen isn’t received from food. Unlike other protein, collagen must be synthesized (made) in the body. Also, cellulite is hard to treat since most cellulite treatments focus on the dermis instead of the root cause, which is decreasing collagen levels. As a result, most cellulite treatments are only able to offer temporary results.
Collagen levels and cellulite
Increasing collagen levels diminish cellulite appearance. You can boost your collagen levels by taking collagen supplements. As the collagen levels increase, your skin walls will strengthen and retain more moisture resulting in skin which looks firmer and more hydrated. Collagen also thickens the skin while making it more elastic which in turn reduces the appearance of cellulite bumps.
With the right kind of collagen supplementation, other skin problems can also diminish i.e. dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles. These can however take longer since the skin takes time to rejuvenate fully. In fact, an increase in collagen levels triggers numerous skin-related physical changes in the body, resulting in a more youthful look besides getting rid of cellulite.
Collagen supplementation
Since we already know that one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite is to increase collagen levels in the body, how do you do that easily? Well, the answer is simple – collagen supplementation.
You can boost collagen levels in the body by taking hydrolyzed collagen; a collagen supplement composed of amino acids, which assist the body to form new collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen supplies amino acids such as proline, lysine and glycine, which help the body build connective tissue. The collagen is derived from cartilage and bovine bone.
The bone and cartilage are crushed, grounded and then defatted before being soaked in acid to get rid of calcium. The resulting mixture is soaked again to break collagen bonds before being dehydrated. The process results in the amino acids mentioned above which are easy to absorb into the bloodstream. The small and intact amino acids form new building blocks for new collagen.
According to numerous studies hydrolyzed collagen boosts collagen production in the body, increases lean muscle mass and helps to rebuild numerous organs. These benefits help to get rid of cellulite as well as provide a youthful appearance. Collagen supplementation will benefit the skin as well as the hair, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, blood cell growth and much more.
The above information summarizes everything you need to know about collagen and cellulite. Low collagen levels are responsible for most cellulite cases. As a result, one of the best ways of getting rid of cellulite is boosting collagen levels. Hydrolyzed collagen is the best collagen supplementation because it is composed of small intact amino acids, which are capable of boosting collagen production in the body safely and effectively. Furthermore, hydrolyzed collagen helps to tackle cellulite from the root cause, which results in long-lasting or permanent results.
To end this article, let me mention an anti-cellulite supplement that does not contain collagen, but works very well. If you’re looking for the special supplement, made to get rid of cellulite quickly, then read about Cellinea Pills.
Hi Sandy,
I just wanted to drop a line and say what a fascinating subject this is!
You have definitely covered loads of information here. I appreciate that the information on diet focuses on food to include. I also really enjoyed the eBook link!
Thank you for your site and your encouragement to women!
Hi Kara,
You’re welcome and thank you for the comment!
Cellulite is such a confidence killer for a lot of women. It’s not because it is such a problem, but mostly because women don’t feel like they can wear whatever they want anymore.
Great information. Thank you for the food tips also. I will tell my mother about this. Do you have any other tips about cellulite?
You can find many tips about cellulite on getridofcellulitefast.org. Thanks for the comment.
Hi there, Thanks for posting. I have long since known about cellulite and the toxin war that causes it. Also how many years or decades cellulite can take to accumulate. This was a very interesting read however on the relationship between collagen and cellulite and what can be done. Will be following.
Hi Tracy,
Thank you for the comment.