When you want to lose weight and decided to buy weight loss pills, it’s important to always go for all-natural weight loss pills. It’s not worth it, to lose weight, but get ill because of some side effects caused by weight loss pills.
Some all-natural weight loss pills can also cause some side effects. If there’s too much of some natural ingredients like green tea, coffee or Guarana, there can be also some bad side effects, though usually not as bad as when you buy some pills with some synthetic ingredients.
I wrote more about it, in How to Choose Safe Weight Loss Pills article.
In this article I’ll review the best all-natural weight loss pills.
Even with all-natural weight loss pills, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before you start taking the pills.
Below is the review of the best all-natural weight loss pills available on the market.
Dietrine (The Best Choice if You’re Looking for a Carb Blocker)
Dietrine pills are a carb blocker. We consume a lot of carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, bread, pasta and sugar, not only because these foods taste great, but also because we feel good after consuming carbohydrates.
Our bodies need some carbohydrates too, so going on a 100% no carbs diet isn’t easy nor good. The problem with the carbs is that if they aren’t burned off through exercise or some other physical activities, they are stored as fat cells for the future use.
If we aren’t active enough physically or exercise enough, then we become fat. Once we are fat, it’s very hard to reduce calorie intake and at the same time burn steadily enough calories to become slim and to stay slim.
That’s why the carb blocker like Dietrine is so useful. It neutralizes the digestive enzyme alpha amylase from converting starch into glucose, reducing the absorption of the carbs. The carbs pass through your digestive system with fewer calories stored by the body. Thanks to this, you can lose weight without going on a no carbs diet.
The Ingredients of Dietrine
- Phase 2® – it’s a special all-natural ingredient that comes from white kidney beans. It’s extracted through a proprietary process, used only in Dietrine pills. The ingredient is 100% safe and natural.
- Chromium – it isn’t a weight loss miracle ingredient on its own, but it helps with weight loss in combination with other ingredients. It enhances insulin action in the body. When you have less insulin, losing weight will be easier.
- Vanadium – it’s a metal that can be found in many minerals. It reduces sugar levels in the blood and it should make you feel more full.
The Main Pros of Dietrine
- 100% safe and natural, without ephedra, ephedrine, harmful chemicals or stimulants.
- It helps decrease carbs absorption.
- Weight loss without restricting carbs consumption.
- Manufactured in the USA.
The Main Cons
None, if the pills are taken as directed.
The pills are carb blocker, not miracle pills, so to lose weight fast, you should exercise too.
The Price of Dietrine
The pills are sold in three different packages:
- Buy 3 Bottles, Get 3 Free – it’s a 6-month supply, which costs $149.95 ($24.99 per bottle).
- Buy 2 Bottles, Get 1 Free – it’s a 3-month supply, which costs $99.95 ($33.32 per bottle).
- Buy 1 Bottle – 1-month supply, which costs $49.95 (best to test the product).
Click Here to Buy Dietrine from the Official Website
Garcinia Cambogia Actives
Garcinia Cambogia Actives are pills that combine the power of appetite reducer, Garcinia Cambogia with other fat burning all-natural ingredients like green coffee, green tea, Guarana, cayenne pepper and black pepper.
All those ingredients combined together, reduce appetite, burn fat and cause fast, but healthy weight loss.
I won’t be writing about Garcinia Cambogia Actives more here, because I wrote a review of Garcinia Cambogia Actives here.
Click Here to Buy Garcinia Cambogia Actives from the Official Website
Raspberry Ketone Max
The Raspberry Ketone Max supplement is based on the idea that ketones contained in raspberries burn fat quickly, so by taking the raspberry ketones you can lose weight quickly, no matter what your diet is.
There has been some research and tests done, that confirm the effectiveness of raspberry ketones for weight loss, but the research is undermined by some scientists. There could be some other factors that caused the weight loss, like vitamin C, instead of raspberry ketones.
Anyway, for the people who lost weight doesn’t really matter if it was because of raspberry ketones, vitamin C, or the combination of both.
Usually the combination of different healthy fat burning ingredients works the best. The manufacturers of Raspberry Ketone Max, added also some other all-natural, fat burning, appetite suppressing ingredients to raspberry ketones, so the supplement works much faster than it would, with only raspberry ketones.
What’s more, the manufacturers, don’t claim that you can simply take their supplement, do nothing else, and lose weight. It’s not that easy and simple.
Raspberry Ketone Max Result Based Online Fitness Program
You must also exercise and eat healthy, so when you purchase the Raspberry Ketone Max, you’ll also get customized exercise program, special diet plans, fitness tracking system and much more. You’ll get access to their special Result Based Online Fitness Program. So, as you can see it’s not just about buying the supplement, but about attacking obesity on many different fronts. You’ll be also automatically signed up to their Health Resource Center without extra charge.
The Ingredients of Raspberry Ketone Max
- Raspberry Ketone – it’s the compound in raspberries that gives them such a wonderful aroma, but it also helps shrink the fat cells, which helps with weight loss.
- Green Tea – I have written a lot about green tea and weight loss here.
- Chromium – it’s a great appetite suppressant.
- Caffeine – it accelerates the thermogenesis process and speeds up metabolism.
- L-theanine – it improves the mood. When you’re in a good mood, you won’t be overeating to lower your stress level.
The Bonuses
As I wrote above, when you buy the supplement, you’ll also get many other tools that will help you lose weight and be healthy.
Here are all the other things you’ll get with the first shipment of the supplement:
- Bonus 1: Free Weight Management Club Membership
- Bonus 2: Weight Loss Secrets eBook – you’ll learn how to weight fast, secrets of water consumption, how to increase metabolism, and how to understand your body type.
- Bonus 3: Summer Diets eBook – secrets to eating healthy, how to eat right and burn fat, best low calorie recipes, and top foods for weight loss.
The Main Pros of Raspberry Ketone Max
- Contains high quality pure raspberry ketones.
- Clinical strength formula.
- All-natural ingredients, without any preservatives or lactose.
- The quality test in a lab.
- 100% money back guarantee.
- Same day shipping.
- Safe and 100% natural.
- Manufactured in the United States in a state-of-the-art cGMP certified manufacturing facility that conforms to the tested grade strength and purity of USP quality standards and is produced under the strict guidelines.
- Full of antioxidants, which protect your body from free radicals.
The Main Cons
- Not suitable for people who become jittery after consuming caffeine.
- It might not work for everyone.
- Pregnant women and children under 18 should not take it.
The Price
The product is sold in 3 different packages:
- Bestselling Package – Buy 3, get 2 free. It’s 5-month supply, which costs $149.95 ($29.99 per bottle).
- Tier 2 Package – Buy 2, get 1 free. It’s 3-month supply, which costs $79.90 ($26.63 per bottle).
- Tier 3 Package – Buy 1 bottle, for 1-month supply, and pay $49.95.
Click Here to Buy Raspberry Ketone Max from the Official Website
Yacon Molasses (Great Sugar Replacement)
Yacon Molasses shouldn’t actually be included in this article, because I’m reviewing weight loss pills here, not molasses or juices. But I decided, to include it here, because of the great help it can bring people who want to lose weight.
Yacon Molasses can be used as a replacement of your sweetener or taken separately, preferably about 30 minutes before breakfast. So, you can take something sweet, and instead of increasing your weight, you’re going to lose weight and also improve your health. I know, it sounds too good to be true, but it has actually been confirmed during trials and tests.
The product is quite new, so we’ll need to wait to see if the weight loss is temporary or you can lose weight for good with Yacon Molasses.
What Is Yacon?
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a tuber also called Peruvian ground apple. It has been cultivated mostly in Peru and Argentina for hundreds years and it has been greatly appreciated by the people there for its many healthy properties.
The molasses extracted from the tuber are sweet, but have few calories. They medicinal qualities come from Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) which are a kind of fructans. Fructan is a soluble fiber, which in small quantities can be also found in other vegetables. There are a lot of fructans in Yacon.
Consuming Yacon helps with diabetes, improves kidneys health and digestion. The improved digestion, and also weight loss are caused by Yacon promoting healthy bacteria.
Not long ago people in the west discovered that it suppresses appetite very well, it has very few calories and that big part of Yacon isn’t digested. Yacon is also very beneficial to people who suffer from constipation.
The Manufacturer
Because Yacon is becoming quickly very popular all over the world, there are many scammers who sell low quality Yacon supplement. The Yacon Molasses recommended here are produced by the reliable Health and Beauty Company, the same that manufactures the above reviewed Raspberry Ketone Max pills.
If you order Yacon Molasses you’ll also get all the bonuses that you get ordering the Raspberry pills.
The Ingredients
The main ingredient is Yacon of course. The few other ingredients are only to preserve the Yacon. They are: filtered water, citric acid, xanthan gum, natural flavors, modified acacia gum, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate and stevia leaf extract.
The Main Pros of Yacon Molasses
- Fast and natural weight loss.
- Growth of beneficial bacteria.
- Help with constipation.
- Appetite suppression.
- Natural, made from 100% organic Yacon rich in antioxidants.
- Provides Vital Prebiotic Fiber (FOS).
- Supports healthy metabolism.
- Suitable for diabetics.
- Suitable for vegans.
- Great for people who want to limit or replace sugar intake.
The Cons
- If you take too much of Yacon, you might have too much gas. You should take small amounts of Yacon, or increase it gradually.
- Not recommended for people who get diarrhea easily.
How to Take It?
It’s best to start with 1 teaspoon of Yacon juice before breakfast. You can gradually increase to 1 teaspoon before each meal. Alternatively, you can use it as a sugar replacement and add to tea, coffee or other products.
The Price
There are 3 different packages available:
- Best Selling Package – buy 3 bottles, get 3 bottles free – 6-month supply, which costs $321.20 ($53.53 per bottle).
- Tier 2 Package – buy 2 bottles, get 1 free – 3-month supply, which costs $214.13 ($71.38 per bottle).
- Sampler Package – 1 bottle which is enough for 1 month, and which costs $107.07.
Click Here to Buy Yacon Molasses from the Official Website
Relora Max (The Best Choice If Your Struggling with Weight Loss and Stress)
Relora Max is actually for stress reduction, but it’s also sold as weight loss pills for people who overeat because of stress. It’s very common to eat when stressed out, so Relora Max could help you with both stress and weight reduction.
What Is Relora Max?
Relora Max is a proprietary blend of two medicinal herbs – Magnolia Officinalis and Phellodendron Amurense. These two plants reduce stress without causing any sedation. They also suppress appetite in stress related eating.
Stress Management and Weight Loss
Stress is one of the main reasons for obesity in many people. It’s also the reason why it’s so hard to lose weight. Stress is also the cause of many health problems.
When people suffer from chronic stress, their adrenal glands release stress hormones in large quantities. High levels of stress hormones can lead to excessive amounts of fat. Firstly, they are a powerful signal to the brain that causes the increase of appetite and the need for pleasure of eating, mainly foods such as sugar, fat and alcohol.
Secondly, these hormones act as a signal for our fat cells to keep as much fat and release as little stored fat as they can. Then they block the action of many hormones, such as insulin, which reduces the level of sugar in the blood and increases appetite.
Stress hormones can also affect serotonin, one of the substances that affects the mood in our brain, which causes feelings of depression and the desire to get more comfortable food. In addition, these hormones interfere with the hormone known as growth hormone, which causes loss of muscle mass and growth of adipose tissue.
Finally, the persistent increase in the level of the stress hormone can reduce your thyroid function, and that means your metabolism slows down. All of these effects combined cause that our bodies consume more calories, but burn fewer calories, so we will put on weight, especially around our stomach (which increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease).
How Does It Work?
Relora Max works because the two plant extracts in Relora bind with several important stress-related goals. It does not bind to the benzodiazepine receptors that cause sedation, but it has relaxing properties that have been demonstrated in animal and human studies. In addition, it normalizes the levels of hormones associated with the increase in body weight and eating behaviors. It has been shown that stress plays an important role in different conditions.
A large percentage of overweight adults have an excess of abdominal fat due to excessive intake related to stress. It seems that Relora maintains a healthy hormone levels in stressed people and acts as an aid in the control of weight and stress.
Thanks to the Relora Max, you’ll reduce stress, feel happier and satisfied, your appetite will be reduced, and it’ll result in weight loss too.
Of course, you should not depend on the pills and stress reduction only to lose weight. For the pills to work well and fast, you should also exercise, meditate and have some quiet place to release when you feel very stressed out.
The Pros of Relora Max
- Stress reduction and relaxation without being sedated.
- Reduction of stress relating eating and obesity.
- Overall mood improvement.
- Fewer feelings of anxiety.
- 90 days money back guarantee.
The Cons
- Can be purchased online only.
The Price
The Relora Max is sold in 3 different packages:
- Best Selling Package – buy 3 bottles, get 2 free bottles – 5-month supply, which costs $119.85 ($23.97 per bottle).
- Tier 2 Package – buy 2 bottles, get 1 bottle free – 3-month supply, which costs $79.90 ($26.63 per bottle).
- Sampler Package – 1 bottle for 1 month supply, which costs $39.95.
Click Here to Buy Relora Max from the Official Website
Goji Berry 500
Goji Berry 500 is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight, get rid of cellulite and cleanse your body. These effects can be obtained due to the extract from the goji berry. This plant, due to its unusual properties, has become very popular amongst people who want to lose weight and be healthy.
Goji berries have been known in Asia for thousands of years, in ancient Chinese medicine the fruit is valued for its healing effect. Recommended for diseases of the eyes, heart, lungs, liver and for strengthening bones, joints and better immunity. Currently, the action of goji berries is confirmed by scientists through numerous clinical tests.
In the Goji Berry 500 pills there are no chemical additives, artificial colors or preservatives. The product is 100% safe, but if you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, you should consult with your doctor first.
Why Goji Berry?
Goji berries are one of the strongest naturally occurring antioxidant. They are a very good source of protein, they contain a complex of 19 amino acids, thanks to which they improve metabolism and help you lose weight. The plant is also a rich source of polyphenolic compounds. In addition, it contains a range of vitamins and minerals.
It contains very large amounts of vitamin C (50 times more than oranges), which gives strong antioxidant properties. It helps to cleanse the body of free radicals, thanks to which it slows down the aging process of the body. Supports collagen synthesis, which is extremely important for people who want to lose weight, because it helps maintain skin firmness and elasticity.
Vitamin C has a protective effect on blood vessels, which helps to prevent infections and reduces the visibility of blood vessels and helps maintain a healthy color. Vitamin C also reduces the fat deposition and promotes its burning.
The fruit contains also vitamins B1, B2, B6, which improve metabolism. They participate in the burning of fats and carbohydrates in the body. They are also necessary for the activation of digestive enzymes. In addition, the B vitamins have an effect on regulating the feeling of hunger and satiety and normalization of appetite.
Vitamin E in Goji berry is involved in the processes of detoxifying the body. It prevents the development of diseases of the circulatory system, helps maintain normal cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It also has a positive effect on the appearance of hair, skin and nails.
Goji berry extract also contains a number of minerals such as: phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium. They accelerate metabolism and support weight loss, also exerting a positive effect on the whole body.
However, the most important component is the bioactive LBP polysaccharide complex, which has clinically proven strong properties:
- Stimulating immunity and anti-cancer.
- Regulating the carbohydrate economy.
- Increasing sensitivity to insulin and lowering blood sugar levels.
- Protecting the liver and supporting the removal of toxins.
- Lowering the level of bad cholesterol, improving the lipid profile.
- Accelerating fat metabolism in the body.
The Pros of Taking Goji Berry 500
Studies show that the average weight loss when using Goji berry 500 is about 20 pounds a month. However, the weight loss rate is individual and it is influenced by many factors, such as health, diet and level of physical activity.
The product is also good at fighting cellulite. The first effects are visible after a short time of use. Regularly taking Goji Berry 500 helps to significantly reduce cellulite or even completely get rid of it. The product supports the process of cleansing the body, both of toxins and from free radicals. It is worth remembering that often the accumulation of these substances in the body makes it difficult or even impossible to effectively lose weight.
Thanks to the content of vitamins and minerals, the preparation also improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
The Cons and Side Effects
The product is made from high quality goji berries and there haven’t been any side effects noticed after taking Goji Berry 500.
How to Take Goji Berry 500
The manufacturer recommends taking 2 tablets daily, after a meal, preferably after breakfast and dinner. For optimal results, you should also exercise and have a healthy diet.
Goji Berry 500 is available in 3 packages:
1. Maximum Results Package – 6-month supply, which costs $135.
2. Maximum Saving Package – 3-month supply, which costs $89.
3. Starter Package – 1-month supply, which costs $45.
Click Here to Order Goji Berry 500 from the Official Website
Fast Burn Extreme (The Best Choice for People Who Like to Workout)
Fast Burn Extreme is one of the newest weight loss products, and it’s been especially designed for active people, who, despite the active lifestyle and working out, still can’t get the shape they want to. The Fast Burn Extreme helps to shed the extra kilograms, that is sometimes so hard to get rid of, despite trying so hard.
Click here to read my comprehensive review of Fast Burn Extreme
Green Barley Plus
Green Barley Plus is a supplement that combines the power of two great weight loss ingredients – green barley and Garcinia Cambogia.
Garcinia Cambogia suppresses appetite and cravings for sugar, it also blocks the ability to produce fat.
Green barley detoxifies the liver, stimulates hemoglobin production, tissue growth and blood cells, plus many other health benefits.
But green barley together with Garcinia Cambogia first of all reduce weight.
Click here to read the comprehensive review of Green Barley Plus
Silvets is composed of very powerful fat burning substances like green tea, Acai berry, Guarana, Cayenne pepper, L-carnitine Tartrate and Bioerine.
The combination of Silvets ingredients causes weight loss in difficult to lose weight places, like the abdomen, butt and thighs. If you struggle with losing fat in those places, you could try Silvets pills.
Green tea and Acai berry will suppress your appetite, so you’ll eat less, but you’ll have more energy, because your metabolism will be improved. That’s how Silvets pills work.
Click Here to Read My Comprehensive Review of the Silvets Pills
Probiox Plus (The Best Choice If You’re Looking for Weight Loss Pills and Probiotic)
Probiox Plus is a unique product, because it’s the first weight loss product and probiotic in one. Thanks to the healthy bacteria in the Probiox Plus, you can lose weight, strengthen your body, and boost your immune system. The bacteria also improves digestion and reduces the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
How Does Probiox Plus Work?
Because Probiox Plus is a combination of prebiotics and probiotics, it restores the natural body balance. When your intestines and are in a perfectly healthy state, then your whole body will be naturally healthy and immune to several chronic diseases.
So, this supplement goes much deeper than just weight loss. By maintaining your intestines in balance, it prevents intestinal inflammation and it supports digestion and the absorption of vitamins.
When your body is healthy overall, you can lose weight because Probiox Plus bacterial flora prevent obesity, reduces appetite, and the absorption of dietary fats and carbohydrates.
The manufacturers of the supplement are confident that it works, which has been confirmed by many trials. They also offer money back guarantee if you aren’t happy with the product.
The Ingredients and Pros of Probiox Plus
- Probiotic culture LactoSpore® (Bacillus coagulans) MTCC 5856 – this probiotic makes the bacterial flora of the digestive system to be at the correct level, improves digestion, flatulence and winds (which helps to have a flat belly), cures constipation, helps with lactose intolerance, cures urinary tract infections, and makes the immune system stronger.
- Prebiotic Fiber (FOS) — Inulin from Chicory Root (Cichorium L.) + Fenumannan® Prebiotic Fiber — Galactomannan from Fenugreek Seeds (Trigonella foenum — graecum L.) – this prebiotic is very helpful with the development of bacteria benefiting health and weight loss, it boosts digestion comfort and immune system efficiency, and also improves intestinal pH.
The other ingredients are lipolytic (they help melt and remove fatty deposits from the body) and metabolic activators. They are:
- Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract – it the appetite suppressor, helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level, suppresses synthesis and storage of fat in the body, and lowers cholesterol level.
- Green Tea Leaf Extract – it improves metabolism and fatty acid oxidation, boosts energy level, and exhibits proteolytic (the breakdown of proteins into smaller polypeptides or amino acids) and diuretic activity.
- Prickly Pear Extract – it improves fat metabolism, helps maintain the correct glucose level, and suppresses appetite too.
- Papain from Papaya Extract – It helps with digestion of micronutrients, it has antibacterial and anti fungal properties and boosts immune system functions.
- Black Pepper Fruit Extract – BioPerine® – It improves digestion and absorption of nutrients and boosts physical performance. It also detoxifies helps liver function.
- Chromium – It’s very helpful in maintaining a healthy blood glucose level and controlling blood sugar level. It participates in macronutrients metabolism too.
The Price
Probiox Plus is sold in three different packages:
- Best Value Package – Buy 3 bottles, get 3 bottles free. It’s 6-month supply, which costs $162 ($27 per bottle).
- Standard Package – Buy 2 bottles, get 1 free. It’s 3-month supply, which costs $108 ($36 per bottle).
- Basic Package – 1 bottle for 1-month supply, which costs $54.
Click here to Buy Probiox Plus from the Official Website
Green Coffee Supplements
The next 3 products are green coffee supplements. Green coffee is quickly becoming one of the most popular all-natural weight loss supplements. This is mainly because of the high amount of chlorogenic acid in green coffee. I’ll write more about chlorogenic acid in green coffee bean max supplement review below.
There’s a huge choice of different supplement with green coffee, but not all of them are equal. Before you decide to buy some pills with green coffee, make sure there’s a high amount of chlorogenic acid in the pills, and the coffee comes from good sources. It’s not easy to know where the coffee comes from, so it’s good to buy the pills from a reputable manufacturer. Below I reviewed 3 different green coffee bean supplement, so you can choose the best one for you.
Green Coffee Bean Max
This is one of the greatest sources of chlorogenic acid, which comes from unroasted green coffee beans. 50 percent of each pills contain pure chlorogenic acid.
Chlorogenic acid is lost when coffee beans are roasted, so unfortunately you won’t get as much benefit from coffee made from roasted beans. You’ll get much more benefit from drinking green coffee, but unfortunately green coffee does not taste good. That’s why people usually go for green coffee pills, instead of drinking green coffee.
Chlorogenic acid blocks carbohydrate absorption, so it’s a natural carb blocker. The studies, both on animals and humans, have shown that the chlorogenic acid also reduces fat absorption too.
In one 12-week study, people who were taking green coffee regularly, lost much more weight (11.9 pounds) comparing to people who took instant coffee (3.7 pounds).
Another great benefit of taking green coffee, is cholesterol reduction. The amount of caffeine in green coffee is significantly lower than in roasted coffee, so you won’t get jittery after taking green coffee pills.
It’s important to remember that although green coffee is such a great fat reducer, you still need to eat healthy and exercise, to look great and stay healthy.
I have already written the comprehensive review of Green Coffee Bean Max here.
Green Coffee Plus
Green Coffee Plus is another great source of green coffee and chlorogenic acid. There’s little difference in quality among three different green coffee supplement recommended here, so you might check the prices and choose the most affordable one.
Below are the prices of Green Coffee Plus, which is sold in 3 different packages:
- Maximum Saving Package – Buy 3 bottles, get 3 free bottles. It costs $97.
- Recommended Package – Buy 2 bottles, get 1 free bottle. It costs $65.
- 1-month Package – Buy 1 bottle, which costs $37.
Click Here to Read the Comprehensive Review of Green Coffee Plus
Green Coffee 5K
This green coffee supplement is named 5K, because each pill contains 5,000 mg of pure green coffee bean extract from organic sources. It’s a very powerful supplement, so 1 pill a day of Green Coffee 5K is enough.
The Prices of Green Coffee 5K
The Green Coffee 5K is also sold in 3 different packages:
1. Best Value Package – Buy 3 bottles, get 3 free bottles. It’s 6-month supply, which costs $112.29 ($18.71 per bottle).
2. Standard Package – Buy 2 bottles, get 1 free bottle. It’s 3-month supply, which costs $74.86 ($24.95 per bottle).
3. Basic Package – 1 bottle for 1-month supply, which costs $37.43.
Click Here to Buy Green Coffee 5K from the Official Website
Acai Berry Supplements
Acai Berry supplements have been very popular on the market for quite some time. This is because Acai Berry has many amazing qualities, and it’s very beneficial not only for people who want to lose weight.
Acai berries are purple inch-long grape-like fruits that originate from Acai palm trees that grow in Central and South America.
The Acai berries have been well known for ages as being very nutritious. Studies have demonstrated that Acai berries contain numerous antioxidants, even larger than raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries. The berries are additionally wealthy in fiber and solid fats.
Acai Berry Benefits
Below are the main benefits of consuming Acai berries, and Acai berry supplement.
- Improving heart condition: Many studies have shown that Acai berries are rich in anthocyanins, which are cancer prevention agents known to adjust cholesterol levels. The berries likewise contain high measures of plant sterols which offer cardio defensive advantages, for example, relaxing blood vessels, enhancing blood structure, and enhancing general heart well being.
- Weight reduction: Studies have likewise shown that Acai berries are very beneficial for weight reduction. Acai berry pulp has been found to lower the amount of fat deposits. The berries also suppress hunger quite well. The high amount of fiber in Acai berries, additionally helps digestion, which helps reduce weight too. When the digestive system works well, it’s easier to lose weight.
- Enhancing cellular health: Anthocyanins found in Acai berries have been found to improve cellular health. The antioxidants contained in Acai, help keep free radicals away.
- Boosting skin well being: Acai oil is very good at keeping skin healthy. The oil is wealthy in cancer prevention agents which dispose of poisons which attack the skin and cause skin issues. Acai berry oil improves circulation too. By disposing of poisons, they improve circulation, which in turn helps with weight reduction and enhances and skin health.
- Boosting immunity: Acai berries have polyphenolic compounds, which reduce the proliferation of failing cells in the body by roughly 86%. The berries have phytochemicals, which disrupt cell mutation, destroying damaged or malfunctioning cells before they can replicate. This positive effect on body’s immunity.
- Slowing down the aging process: Acai berries contain various types of phytochemicals which have been demonstrated to battle oxidative damage, which is responsible for the aging process. The berries are very good at slowing down the aging process, or even reversing it, because they contain ten times more antioxidants than grapes. Acai berries have been connected to enhanced cognizance and mind well being (enhanced mental capacity). Acai berries also improve cognitive and brain health.
- Boosting energy: Acai berries are known to suppress hunger, but at the same time they don’t lower energy levels, but boost them. This property makes the berries exceptionally successful in helping reduce weight. The berries help the vitality and stamina levels without increasing cravings for food.
- Boosting libido: Because Acai berries improve blood circulation in the body, they boost sex drive, especially among men.
The Benefits of Acai Berry Supplements
Acai berries have various health benefits, from improving heart and skin condition well being to anti-aging.
But because of the popularity of Acai berries, they are expensive and there’s also a lot of low quality berries available on the market. Because of that, it’s not easy to find good quality berries. It’s easier to find and buy some good Acai berry supplement on the internet.
Thanks to the supplement anybody who wants to, can get Acai berries to lose weight and to improve overall health.
Of course, you need to buy some quality Acai berry supplement. Unfortunately, there are also many substandard supplement too. Below are two recommended Acai Berry supplements with prices.
Acai Berry Extreme
The Acai Berry Extreme are packed with berries full of minerals and fiber. They are sold in 3 different packages:
1. Best Value Package – buy 3 bottles, get 3 bottles free. It’s 6-month supply, which costs $114 ($19 per bottle).
2. Standard Package – buy 2 bottles, get 1 free. It’s 3-month supply, which costs $76 ($25.33 per bottle).
3. Basic Package – 1 bottle for 1 month supply, which costs $38.
Click here to read a comprehensive review of Acai berry Extreme.
Click Here to Buy Acai Berry Extreme from the Official Website
Acai Berry 900
Among many Acai berry supplement on the market, Acai Berry 900 is the special one, because it is based on the most effective Acai berry variety that ripens in the rain forests of the northern Amazon. You will get the benefits of consuming the best Acai berries, which have been used for centuries in South America.
The Prices of Acai Berry 900
The Acai Berry 900 pills are sold in 3 different packages:
- Maximum Weight Loss Package – Buy 3 bottles, get 3 free. It’s 6-month supply, which costs $109.
- Optimal Package – Buy 2 bottles, get 1 free. It’s 3-month supply, which costs $75.
- Starter Package – 1 bottle, which is enough for 1 month and costs $39.
Click Here to Buy Acai Berry 900 from the Official Website
Piperinox is one of the latest all-natural weight loss supplements on the market. The main advantages of the pills are that they contain BioPerine® and DRcaps® capsules
- BioPerine® – it’s a new patented form of Piperine, which contains more Piperine than black pepper extract. Because of that the pills work much faster than other pills with Piperine. The BioPerine® is safe, and its safety has been confirmed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
- DRcaps® capsules – they are special vegetarian capsules, that don’t release the ingredients in the stomach, where most of them would not be absorbed, because of gastric acid, but which release the ingredients in the intestines, where they become fully absorbed.
Because of those 2 ingredients Piperinox works great, but it has some other great ingredients too.
The Ingredients of Piperinox
- BioPerine® Black Pepper Fruit Extract
- Cinnamon Bark Extract
- Ginger Rhizomes Extract
- Chromium
- Bitter Orange Fruit Extract
- Cayenne Pepper Fruit Extract
- Guarana Seed Extract
The Main Pros of Piperinox
- Reduces body weight, and then helps maintain the body weight.
- Immediate improvement of the metabolism of fat and carbs.
- You can use just one capsule a day.
- Reduces appetite.
- Maintains energy balance.
- Increases the absorption of nutrients from food.
- Increases muscle mass and strength.
The Main Cons
- So far the product is not well known and can be purchased online only.
The Price
The product can be purchased in 3 packages:
- Best Value Package – 6-month supply, which costs $147.
- Standard Package – 3-month supply, which costs $98.
- Basic Package – 1-month supply, which costs $49.
Click Here to Read Piperinox Comprehensive Review
Click Here to Visit Piperinox Official Website
Untoxin (The Best Choice If You Want to Detox and Lose Weight)
Untoxin supplement isn’t really a weight loss supplement, but it’s one of the best detoxification supplements on the market. Because the Untoxin pills detoxify your body very well, you can feel very light and burn excess fat faster. That’s why Untoxin is one of the best diet supplements on the market- it improves the metabolism and detoxifies so well, that the weight loss becomes natural.
The other effects of using the Untoxin are that you will have more energy and your mood will improve too.
How Does Untoxin Works?
It’s quite simple – the ingredients of the Untoxin bind with impurities in the bloodstream and get excreted through perspiration.
The ingredients of Untoxin are herbs and probiotics that regulate bowel movement, detoxify the organs, especially liver and kidneys, help with clearing allergies, and even fight unfriendly viruses and bacteria.
The Main Pros of Untoxin
- Made from all-natural ingredients
- Gentle for the stomach.
- Restores metabolism.
- Makes you feel younger and more energetic.
- It helps to fall asleep easily and gives more restful sleep.
- Removes toxins.
- Improves concentration.
The Cons
- Although you’ll see the results quickly, you need to keep on taking the Untoxin for a few months to purify your body completely.
- The product can be purchased online only.
Click Here to Learn More About Untoxin
The Cost
The product is sold in 3 packages:
- 6-month supply – $159.
- 3-month supply – $73.
- 1-month supply – $53.
To summarize, Untoxin is the excellent supplement if you don’t want to just lose weight quickly, but you want to purify your body, have more energy, improve your metabolism and burn the fat you have in excess.
Click Here to Visit the Manufacturer’s Website
Garcinia SLM
Garcinia SLM is another natural weight loss product that uses the hunger suppressing qualities of Garcinia Cambogia.
The manufacturer claims that this product has the most HCA, among all the products with Garcinia Cambogia on the market.
HCA is the substance responsible for blocking the ATP citrate lyase enzyme, which turns glucose into fat. So, by supplying HCA to your body, you’re also blocking the fat production by your body.
As mentioned earlier Garcinia Cambogia both suppresses appetite and blocks fat production.
The other important ingredients of Garcinia SLM are pineapple and ginger extracts which help lose weight even faster.
Click Here to Read Garcinia SLM Comprehensive Review
Click Here to Visit Garcinia SLM Official Website
All the reviewed weight loss pills are all-natural and the best that you can find. Whether your obesity problem is caused by stress, weak metabolism, lack of good bacteria, you can find the pills that will help you lose weight. But, whatever the pills you buy, it’s always important to exercise, and live active and healthy life to lose weight.
Do you take any all-natural weight loss pills? If yes, let us know about them.
Thank you for reviewing these natural weight loss pills. I used to take weight loss pills when I was young and not the smartest. They were the non-natural kind and probably not the safest! It’s good that there’s a more natural way to boost your weight loss now.
I’m really interested in that yacon molasses. Do you just take that by the spoon? Or can you add it to food like oatmeal? Thanks for reviewing that one even though it doesn’t quite fit in there with your list of pills. It’s something that I want to look into more!
Putting anything not natural in the body is not a good idea. Fortunately now, there are plenty of all-natural supplements, although not all of them are healthy.
You’re right, Yacon Molasses does not really fit, but because they are so good, I decided to review them too. You can add them to your oatmeal and just use as a healthy sweetener.
Thanks for the comment,
These pills look good and probably quite effective..a helping hand goes a long way, but I still believe diet is key to better results. If anyone needs to lose weight, then the keto diet is key, not as a permanent solution but only just for weight loss. In saying that, carbs other than fruit and veg are bad for you so there’s nothing wrong aiming for a permanent low carb diet.
If the diet works for you, then it’s great. But it does not work for everyone. There are also different opinions about the low carb diet, although I agree with you, that veggies and fruit are great. I personally don’t mind some bread, rice or pasta, but I don’t eat meat.
Thank you for the comment.
This article is amazing I never knew there was so many all natural weight loss pills in which the Main Ingredients is green coffee beans . I love the fact that you give so many different choices to decide which diet pill would be best for me.
The overall article is wonderful. I even enjoy the fact that you took the time to put the ingredients of these all natural weight loss pills. Not to mention the prices sign me up now.
I appreciate this great article thank you so very much
Thank you for the nice comment Quinn.
I appreciate such a thorough list of products that helps get cellulite under control. I will be forwarding your write-up to my wife. I even saw some that might even be beneficial to me as well, like Probiox and the green coffee products. So again thank you for your recommendations and making it easier to find everything in one place.
Thank you for the nice comment Lev. I hope the article will help you and your wife.
I agree, if you want a little boost to help you with your weight loss journey, natural ingredients is the safest way to go. Thanks for all your reviews on them all. I have never heard of Relora Max Before, I love the fact that it can help with your stress as well which is something that I always have to cope with. I am going to check it out and give it a try.
Thank you for the comment.