Cellulite is by no means uncommon, and yet it remains one of the most talked about skin imperfections among women. The Internet is full of suggestions for how to get rid of it once and for all. Sadly, most methods either don’t work or have temporary results at best.
Unless you’re willing to shell out a lot of money for corrective surgery or laser treatments that aren’t covered by insurance (and even if you are, those procedures aren’t cheap), your best bet is to figure out how to prevent cellulite from getting worse instead of trying to get rid of it forever. Here are some things you should know about why your cellulite is getting worse and how you can stop the cycle so that it doesn’t come back again!
You’re Dehydrated
The first thing you should know is that you might be dehydrated. That may sound weird, but when you don’t get enough water, your body re-routes resources to your organs and away from your skin. This can cause the appearance of cellulite to worsen.
If you’re not drinking enough water and you have cellulite, you’re only making the situation worse by not re hydrating yourself. The signs of dehydration include dry, flaky skin, being thirsty, and urinating more often than normal. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, drink more water! Not only will it help with your cellulite, but it will also improve your skin and make you feel better overall!
Your Diet Is to Blame
If you’ve been diligently working out and hydrating but you still see cellulite rearing its ugly head, it might be time to look at your diet. One study shows that taking vitamin supplements can reduce cellulite. However, to do so, you should focus on foods that contain antioxidants and other vitamins that reduce inflammation.
Some of the best foods for this include dark leafy greens, citrus fruits such as oranges, apples, pomegranates, artichokes, beets, and peanuts. There is no silver bullet for cellulite. It’s a combination of factors, such as diet and exercise, that can help you get rid of it for good.
If you’re eating a diet high in sugar and trans fats and not getting enough vegetables, you’re likely to have more cellulite as a result. The same goes for not getting enough calcium and Vitamin D, which are also essential for healthy skin. And if you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more likely to gain weight, which can add to the appearance of cellulite.
Click here to read about the best cellulite supplement
Exercise Helps, But Only So Much
Exercising is a must if you want to reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, it’s important to know that it won’t get rid of the cellulite you already have. It can, however, prevent it from getting worse. If you’re not already doing so, try doing cardio like running or swimming, as well as weight-lifting.
Though you might feel silly taking a yoga class, it can also greatly help reduce cellulite. One study even showed that by focusing on your breathing, you can strengthen your core. This, in turn, can help prevent the appearance of cellulite, especially if you have a desk job in which you sit down for long periods.
The Exercises That Really Work
To wrap up, here are some of the exercises that work when it comes to preventing cellulite growth. Now, keep in mind that these exercises may not work for everyone, but they are a good place to start if you’re trying to reduce the appearance of cellulite. And even if they don’t reduce the appearance, they will strengthen your core and improve other aspects of your health, such as your mood, metabolism, and blood flow.
- Squats – Squats are a full-body, compound movement that is incredibly effective at strengthening your lower body while also working your core. No matter what type of exercise you do, you’ll always be strengthening some and relaxing others. Squats are one of the best exercises you can do to strengthen almost every muscle in your lower body and core.
- Lunges – Lunges are another great full-body exercise. They work your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core muscles. Furthermore, they can be done in a variety of different ways, including walking lunges, side lunges, and weighted lunges, and can be easily modified for all fitness levels.
- Deadlifts – Deadlifts are a fantastic full-body exercise that works your glutes, quads, and core muscles, as well as your back and hamstrings. They are a little more challenging than squats and lunges, but they can be modified for all fitness levels.
- Planks – Planks are one of the best exercises you can do to improve your core strength. They are very difficult, but they are worth the pain because they will help you fight back against the appearance of cellulite.
The best exercises for cellulite that work very well and fast are Joey Atlas exercises.
Click here to read my Joey Atlas Exercises Review
Cellulite Can Be a Byproduct of a Process Called Lipodystrophy
Above, we discussed how diet and exercise can help prevent cellulite. However, what we didn’t discuss is how diet and exercise can make cellulite worse. It’s called lipodystrophy, and it’s a condition where your body uses your fat cells as energy.
This can happen when you do not get enough nutrients from your diet such as protein and B vitamins, or when you do not exercise enough. If you’re experiencing this, the only way to prevent cellulite is to change your diet and increase the amount of exercise you do. This may seem like a lot, but it is possible to get rid of cellulite, no matter how bad it is. You just have to be consistent!
Bottom line
Cellulite is not something that you have to live with. There are plenty of ways to prevent it from worsening, and there is no reason why you can’t get rid of it completely. With the right diet, exercise routine, and mindset, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite and even get rid of it completely. Now, it will not be easy. It will take time and a lot of work. But the payoff is worth it!
The fastest way to get rid of cellulite without spending too much, is combining Joey Atlas Exercises with Cellinea Cellulite Pills.
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