Some people have been asking me lately about the best exercises to burn cellulite. Other people have been asking about the best laser treatments that can burn cellulite.
It might be just a case of using the wrong words, but when someone talks about burning cellulite, it might mean that someone has no idea what cellulite is and what is the cause of cellulite.
Can You Burn Cellulite?
There are many people who tried to burn cellulite in the same way as people burn fat, but they only could burn fat, but not cellulite.
There are slim people who do not have much fat, but they still have cellulite. They are mostly women, because men seldom have cellulite, and cellulite in men is different from cellulite in women.
Click here to read about cellulite in men
So, the answer to the question, “Can you burn cellulite?” is “No, you can’t”.
What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is not caused by too much fat as people commonly think. Cellulite is caused by weak muscle fibers under the skin. Those weak muscle fibers cause the appearance of dimples, or like an orange skin, and that is called cellulite.
So, it’s not about fat, but about muscle fibers and the connective tissues that hold fat cells, specifically adipose fat. Of course, too much fat isn’t good for many things, including cellulite. But burning fat or calories, won’t reduce cellulite and you can’t really burn cellulite.
Laser Treatments for Cellulite
As I explained above, you can’t burn cellulite, so you can’t burn cellulite with laser treatments either. But “burn” is just a word used in connection with getting rid of cellulite. The question is “can you get rid of cellulite with laser treatments?”
The cellulite laser treatments are certainly better, less risky and less harmful than surgery and liposuction. The surgery and liposuction don’t really work for cellulite and can bring some bad side effects.
The laser treatments can reduce cellulite, but they seldom get rid of cellulite completely. Cellulite usually comes back after some time, because the cause of cellulite, the weak muscle fibers and connective tissues are still there.
The laser treatments can improve the skin appearance only on the surface. They don’t make those fibers and tissues strong.
Exercise and Cellulite
I wrote about exercise for cellulite here. Exercise is very good for cellulite and health in general. It’s the best way to not only reduce cellulite, but to get rid of cellulite for good, especially when applied together with proper anti-cellulite diet and supplements.
There are many different kinds of exercises and they are all good to fight cellulite, but in my opinion the best are exercises presented by Joey Atlas, who is the women fitness specialist. He’s the first one who stood against the beauty industry, claiming that all those expensive treatments don’t really fight cellulite successfully.
He explained what cellulite is, what causes it, and how to get rid of cellulite once and for all. You can read about it and watch his video about 5 Critical Keys to Kill Cellulite here.
You can learn about his special anti-cellulite exercises here.
Anti-cellulite Diet and Supplements
Joey Atlas claims that his exercises are enough to get rid of cellulite and that diet though not necessary, can speed up the process. I wrote more about anti-cellulite diet here.
For people who don’t have time to exercise, or don’t have enough determination to exercise regularly, some anti-cellulite supplements can be very helpful. The problem is that the world is overloaded now with all kinds of supplements, which, although not a bad thing, can make more difficult to find the supplements that really work.
I have reviewed the best anti-cellulite supplement here.
Although you can’t really burn cellulite either with laser treatments nor exercise, you can get rid of cellulite for good and completely with special anti-cellulite exercises and/or anti-cellulite diet and supplementation.
Some More Info About Fighting Cellulite
Below are some important articles that can help you get rid of cellulite:
Click Here to Learn More About Anti-cellulite Exercises
Click Here to Learn More About the Best Anti-cellulite Supplement
Click Here to Learn About Anti-cellulite Diet
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