In this article we’re going to take a closer look into Cellusmooth Cellulite Treatment. Cellusmooth is one of a few popular anti-cellulite treatments.
Some statistics say that about 85 percent of women have cellulite. Some of the women just live with it and it doesn’t bother them much, but many women hate cellulite and would do anything to get rid of it. Although cellulite is not a disease, it looks unpleasant and many women lose confidence because of it, especially when they want to wear a bikini on the beach.
There are many different cellulite treatments and Cellusmooth is one of the treatments approved by FDA as the safe cellulite treatment. But, does it really work? Is it really worth the money? Is it the best cellulite treatment or are there better and less expensive alternatives?
We’ll answer all the above questions in this article, but if you’d like to get rid of cellulite at home visit The Truth About Cellulite Free Video Presentation.
What Is the Cellusmooth Cellulite Treatment?
Cellusmooth is the minimally invasive laser treatment that acts on cellulite in three ways and only one treatment is required.
How it works:
- The laser cuts the fibrous bands that cause the appearance of dimples.
- The laser melts the fat that causes the appearance of bulges and lumps on the surface of the skin.
- The laser delivers heat, coagulating the tissues and triggering the body’s response, which tightens and smooths the skin.
You can see exactly how it works in the video below:
The cost of Cellusmooth treatment can vary, depending on the body area where the treatment is required, and it can cost from $4,000 – $7,500. It’s hard to find the information about the cost on the internet.
Does Cellusmooth Work and Is It Better Than Cellulaze?
Cellusmooth was created by Sciton and it’s often compared to Cellulaze created by Cynosure. Which one is better, it’s hard to say. Cellusmooth supposed to be less invasive and cause less complications. The Cellusmooth creators also claim that it works faster than Cellulaze. Both of the treatments are minimally invasive and require only local anesthesia.
But if you do the research on the internet, many doctors claim that Cellulaze is better. But it’s possible that they simply recommend the treatment that their clinic performs. Whereas I have found plenty of the patients’ reviews of Cellulaze, it’s harder to find thepatients’s reviews of Cellusmooth.
From my research it seems that Cellusmoth works, but the effects are not long lasting, and after a year a patient might require another touch up treatment. So, it isn’t the lasting anti-cellulite solution, as it’s sometimes advertised.
The Pros and Cons of Cellusmooth Laser Treatment
The Pros
Only one treatment is required with some local anesthesia. It takes only about 1 – 1.5 hour and you’ll have some significant cellulite reduction. It does not require exercising or dieting. After the treatment you’ll see some good effects after two weeks, but to see the full results of the treatment, you might need to wait two months.
The Cons
It usually isn’t the long lasting solution. You’ll be bruised after the treatment and there might be some swelling visible too. You’ll have to wear compression garments after the treatment for a few days and you might feel some discomfort too.
The treatment is expensive and not every woman can afford it.
Is There a Better Way to Get Rid of Cellulite Than Cellusmooth?
There’s definitely a better solution than Cellusmooth or any other laser treatment. I got rid of cellulite for good with the Naked Beauty/Symulast Exercises, which are easy and work fast. You can be free from cellulite in less than a month if you’re really diligent, but certainly in less than two months, if you don’t hurry. You can get rid of cellulite forever if you do some cellulite prevention exercises from time to time after your cellulite is gone.
I have reviewed the Naked Beauty/Symulast Program created by Joey Atlas here, where you can also see a video with some of the exercises.
>>> Click Here to Read Naked Beauty/Symulast Program review <<<
The creator of the exercises Joey Atlas also wrote a very interesting article about cellulite and how to get rid of it;
>>> Click Here to Read Joey Atlas Article and Watch the Video <<<
To summarize, if you are a person who can’t or doesn’t want to do any exercises and who can afford the Cellusmooth treatment, then the treatment will probably reduce the appearance of cellulite significantly.
If you don’t want to spend a lot of money and can do some easy exercises for about 20 – 30 minutes 3-4 times a week, the Joey Atlas’ exercises are a much better option.
Download Free eBook – How to Kill Cellulite in 5 Steps
Engaging with personal touch says
Wow, your video on breakthrough on body contouring was crazy.
The changes in the body contour were really big and the technology behind it looks very sophisticated.
I have never seen anything like this before for cellulite treatment, but there again I am not in the market. If I were or knew someone that was I would definitely send them to your site for a look see.
Thank you for sharing your site and explaining in detail what Cellusmooth Cellulite Treatment is all about.
Sandy says
Hi Solace,
Actually it’s not my video by the video from YouTube made by Sciton, the company that created Cellusmooth.
Thanks for the comment,
Sherry says
Thank you for such an informative and unbiased information about cellulite. You are right there are many solutions out there as you mentioned here very expensive to very cheap. Have you heard about dry brushing? Try that as well. I tried it for a week but as like dieting with me I start out with strong motivation for a week and then I fall off. However, a cream I may be able to do. As you state many people don’t want to spend a lot of money but may be able to work out. You provided some great information here thanks. ~Sherry
Sandy says
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for your nice comment. Yes, I did try dry brushing and I wrote about it here.