You’re here because you want to know how to deal with cellulite. There are women who wonder about the same thing as well.
Many women often think about what to do with cellulite and some women have learned to accept it… sometimes because it is a love-hate relationship. I mean, 90% of women all over the world have cellulite. So what is there to fuss about, if almost all of us have it, right? It’s just ridiculous.
The truth is that there is nothing wrong with having that dimpled skin. There is nothing wrong with loving it, accepting it, wanting to look at it, or even wanting to remove it from your body. It is totally okay to feel different things about your body.
The Shocking Truth
If you want to know how to deal with cellulite, you should first know that no amount of products can remove this for good. What? You are shocked, right?
Why? The reason is that cellulite rears its ugly head when fat cells underneath your skin moves up against the connective tissue. Add to the fact that your skin loses its firmness as you grow older. All of these results in the creasing or dimpling of the skin known as cellulite.
I’m thin. Why does this affect me? Whether you like it or not, everyone has fat cells underneath the skin no matter how you pick your food or how religiously you exercise in a week. We have to factor in genetics too.
So, the truth is that most of the products can only reduce cellulite or remove it for some time. If you don’t take proper care of your body, cellulite will come back.
What to Do With Cellulite: 7 Effective Tips and Tricks
To fully eliminate cellulite for good you must do Joey Atlas exercises which I have reviewed here. With Joey Atlas exercises you can get rid of cellulite for good and you can stay free of cellulite if you apply them from time to time, after you got rid of it.
Joey Atlas exercises are specially designed exercises that target the muscle fibers, which if weak, cause cellulite. So, they aren’t ordinary exercises. Click here to read about Five Critical Keys to Kill Cellulite.
The tips below will help you to reduce cellulite too, if you don’t have time to exercise.
Tip # 1: Watch What You Eat
As I have mentioned earlier, your diet is not the only one to blame here. Even the fittest and most physically active girls I know have cellulite too. However, having a healthy diet will up your chances of hiding cellulite.
Fruits and vegetables are good sources of natural vitamins and minerals so make sure that you load up on them. They are the best, not to mention cheapest, when it comes to fighting the unwanted dimples.
If you feel like you still lack the needed nutrients, you can always turn to natural food supplements such as Cellinea. Not familiar with them? Click here to read about food supplements such as these that can help boost the cellulite-hiding process.
You also need to monitor your sodium intake. Sodium is known to cause bloating and water retention. When this happens, cellulite becomes more visible. In addition to that, consume food that is rich in fiber to help you flush out the toxins from your system.
Click here to read about anti-cellulite foods, and/or click here to read about the foods you need to avoid if you want to get rid of cellulite.
Tip # 2 Dry Brushing
Inflammation happens when toxins build up in the fat layer. Cellulite becomes more noticeable because of this accumulation of waste in the body. But did you know that massages and dry brushing can kick start lymphatic drainage to flush out the toxins?
How to deal with cellulite? Try dry brushing. By the way, your skin needs to be dry to successfully do this so we suggest starting this routine BEFORE you shower or take a bath. Lather on moisturizer when you are finished with your ritual.
Click here to read more about dry brushing.
Tip # 3 Say Goodbye to Sedentary Lifestyle
Fat is one of the many contributing factors of cellulite so it is a wise decision to do something about this. You can go to a gym few times a week, or better yet do the best exercise for cellulite at home by following programs such as the Joey Atlas’ exercises mentioned earlier. You won’t have an excuse since you can do everything at home.
If you are not feeling up to higher level exercises yet, you can try light jogging or walking home instead of commuting. Just get moving.
Tip # 4 Hydration Is Key
Water? Really? Yes! You need lots and lots of water to stay hydrated. Why? The reason is that dehydration causes thin and weak skin. When the skin is weak, it is much easier for cellulite to force their way up into your skin.
What to do with cellulite? Drink up or it will show up!
Tip # 5 Go for Caffeine
If dry brushing is not your cup of tea, why not go for a caffeine-filled scrub? Target your problem area and massage using ground coffee. Ground coffee is known to deeply exfoliate skin while activating the lymphatic drainage.
In addition to getting rid of toxins, caffeine can also tighten skin. And the smell is addictive, too. It’s like having your dose of coffee for the day, which is a win for me.
Tip # 6 Use Cellulite Creams
There is an overabundance of cellulite creams in the market today, so you should no longer worry about how to deal with cellulite. I have reviewed several topical creams and serums here.
Feel free to take a pick out of the many options. I am more than certain that you will find what you are looking for.
A word of caution though: do not expect overnight miracles from creams. It will take more than one application to get your desired results so please be patient when using this remedy. Also, they make your skin stronger so your cellulite becomes a little less prominent.
Tip # 7 Get Professional Help
If you have the money to spare, you can always try minimally invasive treatments such as Cellulaze and Cellusmooth. Remedies such as this are usually FDA-approved and are generally safe.
However, this can cost an arm and a leg. No matter how much you pay for these treatments, the cellulite will still come back to haunt you.
If you have money, go and try this method. But if not, better stick to the tricks already mentioned above.
My Thoughts
Click Here for More Info About Getting Rid of Cellulite
Lots of businesses are profiting from the notion that cellulite is a huge problem, which is actually not. Women spend thousands of dollars to “cure” it, but it should not really be the case.
There is no diagnosis for cellulite. Therefore, it is not a disease that you need to “cure” or it will stay with you for a long time and cause your death.
Believe it or not, you will not be stuck with cellulite just like you are stuck with having a particular eye color for life. You are prone to cellulite the way you can be prone to having a chubby body.
I mean, if you don’t like your body, you can do something about it to change it. You can go to the gym, adjust your eating habits, and work harder compared to those who have naturally fast metabolism. You can have a toned body too.
The same thing applies to cellulite. If you do the same thing you have been doing for years, then there is no chance of getting rid of cellulite. You need to move and work hard for it, too. You have to find solutions that can work with you or your cellulite will keep appearing.
I assure you that cellulite can be reduced, if you try any of the tips that we have shared in this post. To get rid of cellulite for good you should go for Joey Atlas Exercises.
Again, there is nothing wrong with accepting your flaws – cellulite and all. But if you decide on how to deal with cellulite, this site is always ready to help you achieve your goals.
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